Crashed SHBG + very high Free Test. ways to raise SHBG?


So let’s take a trip back:

Nov 2022 I pull bloods
750mg/test e (already built up in blood from previous blast)
600mg/mast e (not yet built up in blood it’s only week 2 or 3)
HGH 5IUs everyday

Estradiol 134 (confirmed by ultra sensitive at 138 dec 2022)
Testosterone 1958 (awful conversion to total by my body)
Free testosterone: 683 (top of range is 153 for reference)

So it’s clear what was happening. SHBG was causing a massive build up free test (probably free DHT, and free estrogen as well). Low SHBG is good (in range) but too low SHBG and your testosterone is just floating around not binding to androgen receptors efficiently. Not to mention libido/ED/fatigue possibility.

Basically you got X amount of dump trucks (SHBG) and a crap ton of dirt to move = not enough movement of dirt

So what do I do? Well my libido and erection are shit. Viagra and Cialsis aren’t working well. I have enough free test as 5 men but I’m tired as shit all the time.

So I stop the cycle go to TRT dosage 250mg/week

Here’s where things get interesting.

I get aromasin and do aromasin every other day 25 mg for 10 days. Ultra sensitive still comes back at 138. I’m puzzled, how can this be I thought? Aromasin is so powerful.

So I take drastic measures 25 MG EVERYDAY for 7 days followed by 12.5MG EVERYDAY for 10 days after. This is enough aromasin to crash any normal’s bb estrogen very quickly.

I pull estrogen ultrasens in Jan 2023….result 21! Due to lack of SHBG I literally need a SHIT TON of AI to control my estrogen because all that test is just spawning into free test and free DHT and free estrogen.

I just pulled my test levels last week and this the result: (again reminder test 250mg/week every 3 days HCG 500iu e3d started couple weeks before and aromasin at 12.5 EOD and HGH at 5IUs/day)

SHBG: 6 (higher than Nov 2022 but still abysmal)
Total testosterone: 1030
Free test: 392
Estradiol (not sensitive): 49
LH: non existent
FSH: non existent

So I’m trying to get my SHBG up from 6ish to 15-20ish. I believe such a low SHBG is causing my libido/erection/fatigue issues. Not to mention very low SHBG is tied to insulin issues and potentially type 2 diabetes (my blood sugar is ticking higher was 93 in Oct 2022 now I am 99 in Jan 2023 basically almost pre diabetes)

The question is there is no easy way to raise SHBG since it’s made in the liver and directly tied to thyroid.

I’m thinking I pull my T4/T3/TSH and free levels to determine if thyroid hormones are shot and causing abnormally low SHBG. While exogenous test will lower SHBG, it shouldn’t completely crush it. And since I’m not running any SHBG crushing compound (masteron, Anavar, etc) there should have been a recovery if this was steroids based. I think it’s more than that.

Thoughts and what I should do?

Thanks gents
Stick to trt at 150-200mg a week and let it ride.

Just stop adding drugs. Get off the aromasin, get off the hcg.

Don't worry about correlation with shbg. Your shbg is low because of anabolics, not because of metabolic syndrome.

My fasting BG also runs high and my a1c is 5.2. don't worry.

Honestly you are fine. Let your body heal. My shbg has only been above 10 for I'm assuming 2 months max since blasting. My first shbg on trt was 13. Even natty was still in the teens.
I don't think you really have understood SHBG's function. When hormones are free floating in the stream, they can enter cells and activate receptors. SHBG inhibits the function of hormones, basically binding them so they can't bind to the receptors you want. The lower SHBG you have, the less precious hormones get wasted from the bloodstream and are available for activating the wanted receptors.
I don't think you really have understood SHBG's function. When hormones are free floating in the stream, they can enter cells and activate receptors. SHBG inhibits the function of hormones, basically binding them so they can't bind to the receptors you want. The lower SHBG you have, the less precious hormones get wasted from the bloodstream and are available for activating the wanted receptors.

That’s a myth. It came from a flawed 1980’s study in vitro of a cell that has SHBG in it and testosterone could not penetrate so conclusion was SHBG prevents binding of testosterone to androgen. SHBG is the transport hormone and only temporarily binds to test. Lack of SHBG also means your estrogen is not contained leading to estrogen dominant state (Free T to Free E ratio).

That is why those who have extremely low SHBG lose testosterone much faster and convert at a sub par conversion. When your SHBG is very low, your free T is very high but so is your free DHT and Free Estrogen. Your liver attempts to metabolize testosterone faster than the average male. So what ends up happening is the ester that cleaves to the testosterone molecule once it is released—testosterone is quickly metabolized faster than average male with normal SHBG levels.

Doctors are aware of this in low SHBG patients. Thus more frequent injections are recommend for these type of patients. But truly they don’t give shit, doctors don’t lose sleep over trt patients. Not exactly a high priority illness.

The second important thing about SHBG, is its derivative form of SHBG-r this is an important hormone involved in cGMP production in the body. When your SHBG is very low this pathway is basically nonexistent.

So to conclude neither very low SHBG or very high SHBG is good. Like anything in life balance is required.

That’s a myth. It came from a flawed 1980’s study in vitro of a cell that has SHBG in it and testosterone could not penetrate so conclusion was SHBG prevents binding of testosterone to androgen. SHBG is the transport hormone and only temporarily binds to test. Lack of SHBG also means your estrogen is not contained leading to estrogen dominant state (Free T to Free E ratio).

That is why those who have extremely low SHBG lose testosterone much faster and convert at a sub par conversion. When your SHBG is very low, your free T is very high but so is your free DHT and Free Estrogen. Your liver attempts to metabolize testosterone faster than the average male. So what ends up happening is the ester that cleaves to the testosterone molecule once it is released—testosterone is quickly metabolized faster than average male with normal SHBG levels.

Doctors are aware of this in low SHBG patients. Thus more frequent injections are recommend for these type of patients. But truly they don’t give shit, doctors don’t lose sleep over trt patients. Not exactly a high priority illness.

The second important thing about SHBG, is its derivative form of SHBG-r this is an important hormone involved in cGMP production in the body. When your SHBG is very low this pathway is basically nonexistent.

So to conclude neither very low SHBG or very high SHBG is good. Like anything in life balance is required.

good idea taking advice from some soccer moms blog. You are ahead of the curve!
Most ped educators say low SHBG is irrelevant when you are on hormones. Mine is 3 also and has been around there for a long time. Libido is just fine when my e2 is in the sweet spot.
Most ped educators say low SHBG is irrelevant when you are on hormones. Mine is 3 also and has been around there for a long time. Libido is just fine when my e2 is in the sweet spot.
*sniff* I smell FUCKERY.. it shall not go (un)unfucked.
Single digit SHBG not good. SHBG has receptors to bind to too y’know and is ultimately anabolic (cAMP activates ARs through an extra pathway, research dis).
Sex hormone-binding globulin: not only a transport protein. What news is around the corner? - PubMed
I don't think you really have understood SHBG's function. When hormones are free floating in the stream, they can enter cells and activate receptors. SHBG inhibits the function of hormones, basically binding them so they can't bind to the receptors you want. The lower SHBG you have, the less precious hormones get wasted from the bloodstream and are available for activating the wanted receptors.
Nokia 3310 is calling they want their expired knowledge back (idfk)
That’s a myth. It came from a flawed 1980’s study in vitro of a cell that has SHBG in it and testosterone could not penetrate so conclusion was SHBG prevents binding of testosterone to androgen. SHBG is the transport hormone and only temporarily binds to test. Lack of SHBG also means your estrogen is not contained leading to estrogen dominant state (Free T to Free E ratio).

That is why those who have extremely low SHBG lose testosterone much faster and convert at a sub par conversion. When your SHBG is very low, your free T is very high but so is your free DHT and Free Estrogen. Your liver attempts to metabolize testosterone faster than the average male. So what ends up happening is the ester that cleaves to the testosterone molecule once it is released—testosterone is quickly metabolized faster than average male with normal SHBG levels.

Doctors are aware of this in low SHBG patients. Thus more frequent injections are recommend for these type of patients. But truly they don’t give shit, doctors don’t lose sleep over trt patients. Not exactly a high priority illness.

The second important thing about SHBG, is its derivative form of SHBG-r this is an important hormone involved in cGMP production in the body. When your SHBG is very low this pathway is basically nonexistent.

So to conclude neither very low SHBG or very high SHBG is good. Like anything in life balance is required.

This… is not a printer… but it’s fucking fax (facts) in addition DHT actually has ~5x higher binding affinity to SHBG than test… meaning lowering SHBG will free up ~5x more DHT than test, so yeah single digit SHBG is also a great way to effectively FUCK up your ratios. Not just T:DHT ratios, T:E2 ratios too. So it’s good for balancing hormone ratios, and it decreases metabolic clearance rate
good idea taking advice from some soccer moms blog. You are ahead of the curve!
They pulled all that garbage outta their crusty asses mate…like cGMP? Tf they even mean camping? I aint no fucking squirrel (this is your h’yuck Goofy ahh). Like how didn’t you at least get curious and search for papers. Definitely not worth 5 seconds on Google, which would be less time than it takes to downvote and discredit a whole ass, top tier valuable, spoon-feed of a post because of a link you didn’t like.
~~~{{—- SHBG is anabolic —-}}~~~ GGWP THX 4 TUTORIAL better luck next time ez win hold this sike its mine

Have a nice L- I mean day
Shbg binds to floating sexual hormones and release them if necessary... If you use long esters with frequent shots it is not that important.
@Jenz this is the reason of the results of the second paper. Old men with higher shbg have a lower MCR T than young men with lower shbg.