Crashed Test P / Mast P and Sarms


New Member
So Ive been brewing for the last 2 years learning as I go, I made some super potent test e, but the pip was unreal, probapy somewhere around 400mg/ml, made a second batch around 300mg/ml, pip wasnt as brutal but was tired of large barrells and pins every few days.

Tried to brew some injectible cardarine using 5g pow, for 100mg/ml using EO and GSO, and it was an abysmal mess not sure what went wrong at all there, but it wouldn't even dissolve into the solution or it took VERY little into it, so I scraped that batch.

I decided to try to brew for daily small injections using slightly larger slin pins, I brewed some test P @ 200mg/ml heated to approx 120c 50/50 EO/CSO and Mast P @ 200mg/ml, 50/50 EO/MCT also heated to approx 120c since I had 50g pow for each, BB/BA were 20/2. Mast crashed over night, so Im just gonna try to dilute it down to 150mg/ml and see if it hold, test p held until I took it on the plane, guess it got to cold in luggage and crystallized, it won't melt back into solution with heat, so I'll probably try to dilute it down too. I also made some Osta @ 100mg/ml using a comparable recipe to the later, and it was holding fine too till it too a plane ride and it also crashed like the prop, so I'll try to dilute it to 75mg/ml and see.

Anyways just sharing my experiences and learning process with the board to help save other ppl from needless expense or failures.
Nice to see someone experiment with higher concentrations so I don't have to