Critic my planned 2nd blast on TRT


New Member
I am planning my 2nd blast since being on TRT for the past 18 months. My TRT dose is 200mg per week, I never use my Arimidex but it is on hand in case. My 1st blast was a basic 500mg per week of Test Cyp. I had great gains, went up 10 pounds overall and have held 8 of it so far. This blast lasted 10 weeks. School started so I backed off to my TRT dose for the time being. For my 2nd blast this is my plan/goals:

Gain as much size and strength as possible and keeping food moderately clean. I’m planning on 3000-3250calories to start and adjusting from there week by week. Trying to get at least 200g of protein per day. I would like to gain 15-20 pounds.
For compounds I plan on taking 300mg Test 300mg NPP for 10 or 12 weeks, still undecided hence this thread. I want to try an oral for 6 weeks. I have done research and came down to Anadrol or Turinabol. This will be my first oral. I will run a liver protection protocol.
My stats are:
182 lbs (coming down from being sick, typical morning weight is 185-187)
BF% estimating around 15%. Abs are somewhat visible when flexing.
Any criticism is appreciated and always open to advice. I have followed this forum for about a year and found my source here. I appreciate all the work put in to keep this running smooth.