Cruise with primo or deca


New Member
Ok so I’m planning on cruising on 125 mgs of test e like normal

Would 40 mg of primo or deca effect markers such as
40mg of either (especially primo) is probably going to do nothing but tinker with your estrogen. They have very different sides and purposes, what is your goal with this cruise?
Really the primo was just gonna be in there to modulate estrogen slightly that’s it instead of a ai
But don’t want it to fuck with my cholesterol

The deca would just been for joint health if anything
I’m coming out of a cut doing like a ten maybe 12 week maintenance phase on a cruise then going into a long winter offseason when ever blood markers are ok
Just test, especially if u dont have a ton of muscle.

40mg deccca or primo will probably do nothing peroid.
I agree with test only. What estrogen control you'll need at 125 test? If it does anything, it will drop your e2 in unfavourable range. If you want something extra just bump your test to 150 and cruise there.
Ive heard of people mentioning they know guys who cruised on NPP, said 100mg/wk and the guy was massive.

I almost want to try it after my trt bloods coming up here soon and see how what it does to my bloodwork, Id have 6 months inbetween another trt bloods to see.
Whenever I experiment with add ons, to try and lower my dose, I end up using Testosterone at 250mg per week and it serves me much better than any other steroid. That's on a cruise of course.
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Whenever I experiment with add ons, to try and lower my dose, I end up using Testosterone at 250mg per week and it serves me much better than any other steroid. That's on a cruise of course.
I agree with this

The whole purpose of a cruise is to give your body a break and to let your lipids and health markers reset.

Adding any other steroid for a marginal benefit, at the cost of your health markers just defeats the purpose of cruising.
I been running 200 test and 200 primo for my trt and love it for years bloods are great no issues primo is very mild.

I've been interested in this combo for TRT but was under the impression you need much higher levels of Primo to do anything.

What do you find the 200mg of primo does for you?
It definitely puts adds a little kick to ur trt.
Keeps you harder and puts on a little more muscle over the trt. Very nice addition and does not effect bloods. I love it. I bump it up to 700 when I cycle and add some others like anadrol if I want to bulk or winny if I don't. It definitely helps me hold onto my gains when I go back down look good year round.