Cruising questions


New Member
I’m 30 years old compete in classic physique and I’m also a state record powerlifting holder for previous years I’ve always came off pct and waited for blood makers to get in range I’ve been prescribed trt by a doc but I still have always came off thinking it would allow my markers to drop faster

But now I’m starting to think why am I taking 3 different drugs that’s probably effecting my bio markers just as much if not worse then 125 mg of test a week would such as cholesterol and

plus I feel like I wouldn’t need to blast as long by doing this trying to recomp for few extra week on each cycle at the beginning like I feel like my blast would be 12-10 weeks long rather the 16

How do you guys feel about health markers and cruising
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TRT doesn’t affect health markers at all. It’s literally a prescribed medical treatment to help maintain markers and health..

If you’ve been PCT’ing I’d say just get an actual TRT dose and use that. No sense in going from pct to cruise lol

Cruising is a different animal and everyone will respond differently and have to use their own judgement for acceptable amounts of risk.
TRT doesn’t affect health markers at all. It’s literally a prescribed medical treatment to help maintain markers and health..

If you’ve been PCT’ing I’d say just get an actual TRT dose and use that. No sense in going from pct to cruise lol

Cruising is a different animal and everyone will respond differently and have to use their own judgement for acceptable amounts of risk.
I would blast then pct rather then cruise and blast not trt then pct im saying I would always do a cycle then pct till markers got right then just run another cycle 8 weeks later because I always though that would allow my bio markers to recover faster but I’m starting to think now that just dropping to a cruise dose of 125 mg would probably be healthier then 4-6 weeks of nova Clomid hcg ecd
My rule is Testosterone only on a cruise. Same principles apply as for trt, it's just that the dose is higher and suited for physique goals more rather than restoring T.

In my experience 150-250mg/week is good for long term health and benefits. It is enough to sustain muscle mass, strength, sex drive and overall quality of life on such dosage while only minimally impacting my health. Confirmed by multiple bloods and other tests.
I guess my real question is do u guys think u can get just as healthy from cruising inetween blast just as much as doing a pct in between blasts
I guess my real question is do u guys think u can get just as healthy from cruising inetween blast just as much as doing a pct in between blasts

Why cruise? Like I said, just go down to a TRT dose. That will be light years ahead of PCT. No sense in going from walking to work everyday straight to flying on a private jet.

Idk why you’d skip TRT and go straight to cruise if you’re even remotely concerned with health and have been PCT’ing.