cycle advice

hi, im doing my 3rd cycle very soon in the middle of next month.
my first cycle was 300mg test e/week bumped all the way to 1000g/week and back down to 600mg/week where my e2 dosent elevate too high.

second cycle was 600mg test e/week and 400 tren e/week and tolerated very well besides extreme horniness 24/7

for my third cycle i generally wanna drop the tren and add both a cutting oral either anavar/winny + gw cardarine and a replacement for the tren since i just dont think it worth it to run to risk my health always.

any advice would be appreciated.
It seems that you are the lucky one.....bumping up first cycle 1000mg test and your E2 is fine.....

Tren is Nandrolone, you can use NPP or DECA as a replacement. Winny will dry out your joints so I would recommend to use a Nandrolone derivat. DECA is lubricating the joints. You never used DHT derivate before?

In general...what's your goal? Weight? Age? Picture?
Reading through the lines of your post, it seems like you'll be cutting or trying to recomp during this upcoming cycle, so I'm going to base my recommendations off of this assumption.

Nothing will fully replace tren, as tren has some unique effects that other AAS cannot completely replicate, but the closest you will get would probably be a combination of test, mast/primo, and anavar. This should provide a good mix of fullness and dryness/hardness. I won't go as far as to recommend specific dosages, but given that you stated that 600mg/week of test kept your E2 at a comfortable level, I'd say run a ratio of 1:1 for the test:mast/primo up to 600mg, after which you may want to just cap the test and increase the mast/primo to your desired level. For the anavar, I'd suggest anywhere from 30-50mg/day, split into two doses (if possible). The length of your cycle would also warrant some further consideration regarding whether to ramp up the doses or keep it stable throughout, and the total duration of the anavar use.

But that's just my take. Full disclosure, I have under two years of experience running AAS, so others may have better advice, but I've ran all of the compounds above aside from primo, and I've done a considerable amount of reading/watching of AAS content, so while I'm not a veteran in this game, I'm also not just talking out of my ass, either.

Best of luck with your cycle, I hope it goes well.
hi, im doing my 3rd cycle very soon in the middle of next month.
my first cycle was 300mg test e/week bumped all the way to 1000g/week and back down to 600mg/week where my e2 dosent elevate too high.

second cycle was 600mg test e/week and 400 tren e/week and tolerated very well besides extreme horniness 24/7

for my third cycle i generally wanna drop the tren and add both a cutting oral either anavar/winny + gw cardarine and a replacement for the tren since i just dont think it worth it to run to risk my health always.

any advice would be appreciated.
Try high NPP.
My most favorite cycle was TRT test, high npp (700mg/wk) and hgh.
I have ran tren, if tren didnt suck so much pinning it I would run it 24/7 year round but I dread everytime i have to pin it.
It seems that you are the lucky one.....bumping up first cycle 1000mg test and your E2 is fine.....

Tren is Nandrolone, you can use NPP or DECA as a replacement. Winny will dry out your joints so I would recommend to use a Nandrolone derivat. DECA is lubricating the joints. You never used DHT derivate before?

In general...what's your goal? Weight? Age? Picture?
indeed i am i mean i got gyno from bumping test too high, but since lowering back to 600mg and 2 weeks of ai never had issues with e2, either estrogenic side effects or any issues on the bloods. i may have worded it wrong because i geniuenly dont see gyno as bad thing as long as it isnt too extreme. also im 19, 85kg bf unknown but not too high since i have visible abs. and ill be 100% real with u, im very much against sharing stuff on the internet like pictures. i might change my mind at some point but for now im just keeping the before photos and will hopefully reveal some at one point when im ready to get flamed for being 19 and on roids.
Reading through the lines of your post, it seems like you'll be cutting or trying to recomp during this upcoming cycle, so I'm going to base my recommendations off of this assumption.

Nothing will fully replace tren, as tren has some unique effects that other AAS cannot completely replicate, but the closest you will get would probably be a combination of test, mast/primo, and anavar. This should provide a good mix of fullness and dryness/hardness. I won't go as far as to recommend specific dosages, but given that you stated that 600mg/week of test kept your E2 at a comfortable level, I'd say run a ratio of 1:1 for the test:mast/primo up to 600mg, after which you may want to just cap the test and increase the mast/primo to your desired level. For the anavar, I'd suggest anywhere from 30-50mg/day, split into two doses (if possible). The length of your cycle would also warrant some further consideration regarding whether to ramp up the doses or keep it stable throughout, and the total duration of the anavar use.

But that's just my take. Full disclosure, I have under two years of experience running AAS, so others may have better advice, but I've ran all of the compounds above aside from primo, and I've done a considerable amount of reading/watching of AAS content, so while I'm not a veteran in this game, I'm also not just talking out of my ass, either.

Best of luck with your cycle, I hope it goes well.
i've been thinking about the tren lately and i dont know if im willing to give up on it yet. my cycle will first begin around 10-20th next month. so my current plan is changed to
week 1-16:
test e 600mg weekly
gw cardarine
week 6-16:
tren e 200mg weekly
mast 200mg weekly
week 10-16
anavar 20mg as preworkout or morning coffee on rest days daily

30mins-1hour low-medium intensity every day. coupled with around 8k steps a day

cycle support is:

my cycle support is heavily focused on liver support because its the only thing that really spikes on my last bloodtests. i have cabergoline on hand for tren and some remaining ai. although i doubt i will use it with the mast added to my cycle.

should i bump anavar up like you're recommending? also i dont wanna run primo. any help would be appreciated since my old cycles it was just test and then adding some tren which yielded in amazing results(the tren power). idk if i should even add other stuff to my cycle im just afraid of blast & cruising tren year around so im looking to see how well my body will tolerate mast and anavar now. i defiently will stay on mast and cut the tren out next cycle since im 19 and gonna be cycling for a long time.
Try high NPP.
My most favorite cycle was TRT test, high npp (700mg/wk) and hgh.
I have ran tren, if tren didnt suck so much pinning it I would run it 24/7 year round but I dread everytime i have to pin it.
i havent read too much about npp. but i will look into it for a replacement for a nandrolone compound for my next cycle, just gonna see how i handle these new dht compounds for now.
i've been thinking about the tren lately and i dont know if im willing to give up on it yet. my cycle will first begin around 10-20th next month. so my current plan is changed to
week 1-16:
test e 600mg weekly
gw cardarine
week 6-16:
tren e 200mg weekly
mast 200mg weekly
week 10-16
anavar 20mg as preworkout or morning coffee on rest days daily

30mins-1hour low-medium intensity every day. coupled with around 8k steps a day

cycle support is:

my cycle support is heavily focused on liver support because its the only thing that really spikes on my last bloodtests. i have cabergoline on hand for tren and some remaining ai. although i doubt i will use it with the mast added to my cycle.

should i bump anavar up like you're recommending? also i dont wanna run primo. any help would be appreciated since my old cycles it was just test and then adding some tren which yielded in amazing results(the tren power). idk if i should even add other stuff to my cycle im just afraid of blast & cruising tren year around so im looking to see how well my body will tolerate mast and anavar now. i defiently will stay on mast and cut the tren out next cycle since im 19 and gonna be cycling for a long time.
Looks like a reasonable cycle to me. Mast with tren seems to help mitigate some of the mental side-effects people experience with tren, from many anecdotes I've come across (I personally don't get any noticeable mental sides from tren, but I am a fan of mast regardless of what compounds it's ran with). And I should have clarified with the mast/primo recommendation. The reason I put the slash between them was meant to imply that you can use either of them interchangeably. They have very similar effects, and although primo is marginally more potent, it is significantly more expensive, so a lot of people tend to just run higher mast when substituting for primo. You can also do a combo of both and split the total desired dose between them (in your case it would be 100mg/week for both to reach your 200mg threshold). As for the anavar, no need to bump up to my recommended dose. If anything, start at 20mg/daily for a week and assess how you feel. You can always titrate the dose up over time. Starting at the lowest effective dose is never a bad option, especially if it's a new compound for you.

I won't lecture you too hard about your age, I'll just acknowledge that you are very young, and I suggest that you strongly consider the ramifications of your decision to begin using AAS at this time in your young life. I don't know your life or circumstances, but consider that your brain won't be fully developed until you are around 25, and this is especially important in regard to your prefrontal cortex, which plays a huge role in regulating decision-making. Ask yourself if this is really what you want to be doing, making such a dramatic decision that has long-term consequences for your life, at an age where your decision-making capability is not yet fully matured at the physiological level. Intelligent training and diet can take you very far without PEDs, and without the possible health complications that come with PEDs.

Just be safe and gain as much knowledge as you can about the life you're stepping into. And consider if you want to step into this life at all at this time. AAS will still be here five years from now.
Looks like a reasonable cycle to me. Mast with tren seems to help mitigate some of the mental side-effects people experience with tren, from many anecdotes I've come across (I personally don't get any noticeable mental sides from tren, but I am a fan of mast regardless of what compounds it's ran with). And I should have clarified with the mast/primo recommendation. The reason I put the slash between them was meant to imply that you can use either of them interchangeably. They have very similar effects, and although primo is marginally more potent, it is significantly more expensive, so a lot of people tend to just run higher mast when substituting for primo. You can also do a combo of both and split the total desired dose between them (in your case it would be 100mg/week for both to reach your 200mg threshold). As for the anavar, no need to bump up to my recommended dose. If anything, start at 20mg/daily for a week and assess how you feel. You can always titrate the dose up over time. Starting at the lowest effective dose is never a bad option, especially if it's a new compound for you.

I won't lecture you too hard about your age, I'll just acknowledge that you are very young, and I suggest that you strongly consider the ramifications of your decision to begin using AAS at this time in your young life. I don't know your life or circumstances, but consider that your brain won't be fully developed until you are around 25, and this is especially important in regard to your prefrontal cortex, which plays a huge role in regulating decision-making. Ask yourself if this is really what you want to be doing, making such a dramatic decision that has long-term consequences for your life, at an age where your decision-making capability is not yet fully matured at the physiological level. Intelligent training and diet can take you very far without PEDs, and without the possible health complications that come with PEDs.

Just be safe and gain as much knowledge as you can about the life you're stepping into. And consider if you want to step into this life at all at this time. AAS will still be here five years from now.
i agree. if i had the choice all over again i wouldnt begin on aas this young. but from one aas user to another its fricking impossible to jump off now, i feel 1000x better on trt alone than when i was not being on steriods have done alot of great stuff for me. And i feel you on the tren, when running 200mg i dont feel any mental sides from it and when i upped it to 400mg a week last cycle i maybe got a little anxious? I felt a very uneasy heartbeart especially in the night but thats all. ill keep y'all updated on the cycle as soon as i jump on
i agree. if i had the choice all over again i wouldnt begin on aas this young. but from one aas user to another its fricking impossible to jump off now, i feel 1000x better on trt alone than when i was not being on steriods have done alot of great stuff for me. And i feel you on the tren, when running 200mg i dont feel any mental sides from it and when i upped it to 400mg a week last cycle i maybe got a little anxious? I felt a very uneasy heartbeart especially in the night but thats all. ill keep y'all updated on the cycle as soon as i jump on
Fair enough. There are definitely ways to go about AAS use that reduce the negative effects on health, so I'm certainly not trying to fearmonger about how you're ruining your life or anything. Considering how prevalent heavy alcohol use is and the obesity rates in Western society, I'd argue that the potential health decriments of AAS use are relatively mild in comparison to many people's lifestyles. Just be sure to get regular bloodwork and be smart about cycle length and dosages. Slow and steady gains from modest dosages produce significant results over time, and you have plenty of time ahead of you. And the mast should certainly take some of the mental edge off of the tren. Best of luck with your cycle.
Fair enough. There are definitely ways to go about AAS use that reduce the negative effects on health, so I'm certainly not trying to fearmonger about how you're ruining your life or anything. Considering how prevalent heavy alcohol use is and the obesity rates in Western society, I'd argue that the potential health decriments of AAS use are relatively mild in comparison to many people's lifestyles. Just be sure to get regular bloodwork and be smart about cycle length and dosages. Slow and steady gains from modest dosages produce significant results over time, and you have plenty of time ahead of you. And the mast should certainly take some of the mental edge off of the tren. Best of luck with your cycle.
Yeah I live in Denmark so if I didn’t spend all my nights at the gym I would probably be out drinking. But I don’t drink at all now. Lucky me the blood records from private testing goes directly to the public medical database so I can compare to my all my bloods since I was born and I’m healthier even on full blast than I was before. Only real issue I have a little elevated liver counts. but that’s why I’m supplementing especially against that. Otherwise thanks for the advice man. I also decided to up the mast to 400mg and drop the anavar completely because fuck orals.
Yeah I live in Denmark so if I didn’t spend all my nights at the gym I would probably be out drinking. But I don’t drink at all now. Lucky me the blood records from private testing goes directly to the public medical database so I can compare to my all my bloods since I was born and I’m healthier even on full blast than I was before. Only real issue I have a little elevated liver counts. but that’s why I’m supplementing especially against that. Otherwise thanks for the advice man. I also decided to up the mast to 400mg and drop the anavar completely because fuck orals.
Good stuff, man, way to keep tabs on bloodwork. It's good to have pre-AAS lab values to use as a baseline to measure against. You seem to be going about things with the right mentality in that regard.

Keep in mind that mildly elevated liver enzymes are to be expected in those who regularly engage in moderate-intense exercise, especially resistance training, as muscle damage is correlated with elevated ALT/AST levels; so it's not always an indication of actual liver damage, per se. Not that it isn't important to prioritize liver health, of course.
To quote this 2023 case study (Exercise-induced increases in “liver function tests” in a healthy adult male: Is there a knowledge gap in primary care?):
● "...AST and ALT are not specific to the liver nor a sensitive measure of its function. The most likely cause for the elevated AST and ALT observed presently is exercise-induced muscle damage/inflammation."
● "Traditional biomarkers of “liver injury” have been shown to correlate with biomarkers of muscle damage (e.g., creatine kinase) following prolonged exercise.[15] Yet, muscle biomarkers and patient exercise habits are not routinely assessed alongside liver panels in primary care. Such omissions in the diagnostic pathway can result in the misdiagnosis of liver problems and unnecessary follow-up tests and referrals.[6]"

Don't take my word, of course, and do further research on your own, preferably from medical professionals.

And wise choice to drop the orals. Injectables are undoubtedly the safest administration route for AAS. In my humble opinion, anavar won't provide anything that mast or another DHT-derivative injectable can't replicate, while being relatively kinder on the body.

Take care, enjoy your cycle, and train hard
hi, im doing my 3rd cycle very soon in the middle of next month.
my first cycle was 300mg test e/week bumped all the way to 1000g/week and back down to 600mg/week where my e2 dosent elevate too high.

second cycle was 600mg test e/week and 400 tren e/week and tolerated very well besides extreme horniness 24/7

for my third cycle i generally wanna drop the tren and add both a cutting oral either anavar/winny + gw cardarine and a replacement for the tren since i just dont think it worth it to run to risk my health always.

any advice would be appreciated.
I like play with high doses of low side effects aas.... So my advice would be to go:
High test
high EQ

High is relative to your experience.
For now keeping Test:EQ 1,5:1 worked really well and kept my E2 under 50pg/ml without any ais.

I know it's boring and simple, but works great to add muscle.
im currently on last tren cycle soon will be off in april until im out and my vendor is first sending packages to europe again in march.

Stats are are currently
i would say im around 10-12% bodyfat but since im biased its probably around 15-17%.

i stopped updating the threat since i've got acne conglobata both on my chest, back, shoulders and face. very disgusting open wounds acne that bleeds 24/7 and im at the hospital dealing with it. Its been like 2-3 months with waking up in the morning and feeling like my skin is peeling off everytime i go up from the bed, and if i sleep on the side the blood will just come out on my bed and my chest. I've currently jumped on accutane 20mg a day since last month. and my liver enzymes and hdl and ldl + total cholerstol has always been close to out of range but they finally got off of range. so im planning to run out of all my tren + mast. and come back in the summer with around 600mg test and probably looking for a dht oral or some injectable which can give me nice vascularity like tren does idk what to run but ive looked at options like eq, primo, npp etc.

on trt cruise at 150mg-200mg strength is always up, on cycle strength and size is even more up and im planning to hit 95kg atleast by 2026 with same bodyfat or lower. As soon as the acne is cleared(ive gotten told it will take a few months back in jan and having a new control meeting in around 10 days or so) ill start posting progress pictures.

kinda dead log for now im sorry, it will be nice with any suggestions for anything new i can run to replace tren, even tho i feel like its gonna be hard coming off tren since nothing really can compare to it. i could even jump off mast rn and i will just get less horny but it does fuck nothing for size or strength like tren does.