Cycle Log

Doing a Winter Bulk, Gear is all homebrewed from QSC raws. Currently Planning on going 20 weeks.

Currently Running:

400mg Test C - Broken into daily shots
400mg NPP - Broken into daily shots
400mg Mast E - Broken into daily shots
1000iu HCG - Broken into daily shots
0.25mg Arimidex - M/W/F
2.5-3iu HGH - Daily, in the morning


My caloric intake goal is around 3500 Daily minimum but I'm often hitting 4000 to sometimes even 5000.

Daily macro minimums:

Protein: 216.6g
Carbs: 390g
Fat: 115g

All of my calories are from whole foods for the most part, no powders etc.

Current Stats:​

5'8" 190lbs, 12-15% BF
Age: 29


My blood pressure has been good, I'm a week in and sitting around 120's over 60's.
That being said I do have nebivolol and telmisartan I can take if needed.

The following will be the ancillaries I have on hand, The only ones I plan on using at the moment is Arimidex and HCG.


Other Compounds:​

The following are compounds I can pull from if I need to change things up/add anything.

Test P
Mast P
Tren A

Supplements in use:​

Creatine - 5mg
Vitamin C - 1000mg
Vitamin D - 10000iu
Vitamin B12 - 1000mcg
Vitamin E - 400IU
Boron - 3mg
Zinc Bisglycinate - 15mg
Fish oil - 1075mg
Magnesium Glycinate - 210mg
Citrus Bergamot - 1400mg
Taurine - 2000mg
Sunflower Lecithin - 2400mg
CBD oil - 200mg CBD/3mg THC
Zyrtec - 10mg
Trazodone - 50mg (sleep)
Melatonin - 10mg

Current Split:​

Monday: Shoulders/Delts/Calves
Tuesday: Chest/Abs
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: Legs
Friday: Biceps/Triceps/Calves
Saturday: Back/Lats/Abs
Sunday: Off
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Everything is going very smoothly EXCEPT I've started to get some serious gyno this week, not sure if I want to add nolvadex or drop the npp for something else. I'm always scared to add nolva due to the potential vision sides but I may have to.

I do plan to eventually get gyno surgery next year (8 months from now) but in the meantime I don't want to end up with massive titties lmfao. They aren't really noticeable yet but the glandular tissue is there and feels like it could almost be golf ball sized. so I probably need to act quick on this one. Going to think about it over the next few days.
I may have to sub the NPP for something else, I have quite a few options I layed out in the original post if anyone can let me know their opinion on what I could swap with the 400mg/wk of NPP im taking (compound/dose) to get me a similar amount of growth with minimal gyno.
Gyno = high estrogen and/or high prolactin. So aim to lower those...
Caber/Prami + arimidex/aromasin/letrozole

adding a 19-nor like deca or tren always complicates things and sorry to hear youre getting gyno so soon. I have a permanent lump from when i ran 750 tren with no prolactin control and i like it as a source of history of how reckless i was
Gyno = high estrogen and/or high prolactin. So aim to lower those...
Caber/Prami + arimidex/aromasin/letrozole

adding a 19-nor like deca or tren always complicates things and sorry to hear youre getting gyno so soon. I have a permanent lump from when i ran 750 tren with no prolactin control and i like it as a source of history of how reckless i was
yea I think I've decided I'm going to swap the NPP for DHB, I plan to get gyno surgery next year but don't want to make it worse before then because they aren't really noticeable right now and I don't want to push it over the edge and then have to walk around with noticeable gyno for a year lol.
Hey fair enough, whatever works for your aesthetic preferences

If you ever want a real trip, take a higher prami dose without titrating it, life will be SPINNIN
after swapping the NPP for DHB I'm now running

400 test c
400 dhb
350 mast e
1000iu hcg

split into daily shots

.25 adex m/w/f

and 3iu hgh daily

Did some delt work today and had the craziest pump I may have ever had, Already feeling more energetic but also sleeping a bit worse since swapping out the NPP. Interested to see how things change as this saturates.

Eating a lot of good food, usually hitting around 4200 calories per day it seems.
Sounds decent bro, a man always has to choose between tren, deca and dhb. These are the tough decisions we must face.

Just dont go too far into analyzing feelings on a daily basis
I've never actually done a cycle log before but I plan to use this as a journal. Whether anyone reads it, fuck it but it will be nice to look back at in the future so I can reference my progress.

My strength has been going up quite a bit and my pumps are extreme. I've never had pumps like this, literally painful.

Happy with things so far, the gyno seems to be subsiding after switching the NPP for DHB about a week ago. Blood pressure is great. Cardio is fucking trash but I think it is just the initial weight gain that my body is adjusting too, breathing a bit heavier sometimes/winded easier. I'm only half way through week 3 so I'll probably still be adjusting for a little bit.

Trying to continue to eat enough and keep it to healthy/whole food, sometimes its not so easy when in a time crunch.

I did delts today, highlight for me was doing 3x10 lateral raises with 50lb dumbells. Supersetting with 25lb 3x10 front raises, I'd go straight from a set of the lateral raises straight into the front raise set. This achieves a real nice pump, almost unbearable.

Tomorrow is chest day, will update.
Everything is going smoothly now after swapping the NPP for DHB, not getting any pip from the DHB and the pumps are rediculous.

I have the worst cardio of my life at the moment, I get winded walking up the stairs. It's probably just my body adjusting to the new weight I've put on. I've been adding in some cardio on the stair stepper at the end of my workouts, usually 5-10mins.

Weighing around 200 lbs at the moment, I've actually lost fat during this bulk and I think it is because of the GH.

Other than poor cardio I can't say I'm having any other side effects which is nice, I do think the CBD curbs a lot of the side effects I would have by increasing my mood and helping my sleep.

I have had some fatigue in the wrist/forearm tendons, going to start using lifting straps for some of my lifts that use a lot of grip strength.

Officially about 6 weeks into the cycle, going to do some blood work soon to see how everything looks. I'm really curios to see how my IGF-1 is looking. It was usually above the range prior to GH around 350-400ng/dl. Wondering if this amount of GH puts me above or below that range.
Are you sure the npp was causing your gyno? Could have been the hcg and gh.
seems so, I'm still taking the hcg and hgh at the same dosages the only thing I changed was swapping NPP for DHB and the gyno stopped and actually started reversing quite a bit.