Cycle thoughts?


New Member
Ok, just finishing a 4week BLAST of
700mg Tren A ( made it 3.5 weeks lol )
500mast P
300mg test C
4ius GH

Looking to replace the Tren with NPP. Now I have ran plenty of cycles, but this will be my first NPP run. I’ve ran Tren multiple times and sweet spot seems to be 400-500mg for me there, no prolactin issues or concerns, sides are also manageable.

Stats are 6’0ft,206lbs lean ( Thank the Tren gods ) went from 190 to 206lbs in 4weeks lol. Men’s physique competitor, my goal now is to run this cycle for 12-16weeks.

I was thinking
NPP 400mg ( to start get a feel for it )
Mast p 500mg
Test C 500mg-600mg?
GH 4ius and Up once we see how we manage water retention?

Attached bloods I got 1.5weeks ago. That’s when I decided to drop the Tren to 300mg. Should I wait for bloods to level out before next blast?

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Delts, lats, traps, chest, and LG usually works for me.
No glutes (can't reach), never quads (too many nerves).
lg? chest makes me nervous, do u hit it with a .5”? I’m getting up there in fat as i’ve been pushing hard for a year straight, I need more spots but don’t know if i’ll make it to the muscle
Are you pinning multiple times for the same carrier oil? So all mine are MCT, grab one 3ml syringe load up what you need and pin 1 glute. Not that complicated.
That's what I've always done for multiple cycles. Just recently DHB gave me huge lumps in both glutes. Not infected but still noticeable so I need to retire the glutes for now I imagine. I got it checked out at urgent care and the NP actually worked with body builders before and said I just need to give it time.
lg? chest makes me nervous, do u hit it with a .5”? I’m getting up there in fat as i’ve been pushing hard for a year straight, I need more spots but don’t know if i’ll make it to the muscle
I use 1" and rotate upper, mid, lower. I'll split the shot between left and right pecs. For lats I also rotate upper, mid, lower.
LG= Lateral gluteal muscle. It's very easy to pin while sitting. The more over developed this muscle is the easier it is to locate/inject.
Any thoughts on my OP? love talking about injection sites and all, BUT… lol
All sounds good. You needing any AIs with the high mast now? Just know the NPP will take a bit and a few more weeks for the higher test to start working so the mast and remainder of tren is going to be doing the heavy lifting for a few weeks
lg? chest makes me nervous, do u hit it with a .5”? I’m getting up there in fat as i’ve been pushing hard for a year straight, I need more spots but don’t know if i’ll make it to the muscle

I did 1 chest and 1 trap shot. Once. Never again. Seems to be highly individualized on if it’ll suck or not though.

I really wanna try lats but I can barely touch them with my hand let alone inject