Cyp is super clear and flows like water?!?


So I started a blast testcyp 600 mast 400. New stuff new supplier. Both have the consistency of water. My last batch of test cyp was thick and had a slight gold or yellow tint. I'm becoming a little concerned and considering getting it tested. I was already cruising at 200mg on old stuff. Switching to new stuff not feeling exactly the same. You would think my balls would be non existent at that dose but they are about the same as cruise. I'm not having any sides so far as I can tell.
Different carrier new is mct old is gso. Would that make a difference in consistency? The injection is so fast it is alarming. Appreciate any advice on this.
Best way? Test it. And or blood work. Hell, for shits n giggles, toss in freezer see if you can get to crash. And of course someone is going to want to know who?but that's not even an issue at this point
Did it come from our tried and trued sources? Domestic supply? Did ya give it the taste and smell test?

I run into the same thing. If it's not test, you will feel like shit as it clears and your test levels plummet.
Once you've experienced MCT oil, you won't want to use anything else. It flows smoothly like butter through a 28-30g needle, with no PIP.