Daily Post Limit on New Accounts?


New Member
AnabolicLab.com Supporter
We seem to be having a rather proliferative struggle with trolls asking fucking retarded questions and posing incredibly stupid scenarios.

I wonder if implementing a post limit would help, where new accounts can only post like 5 times in 24 hours (or something like that). Just a random number I'm throwing out there, could be 8, could be 10. Could be 4 posts in 12 hours, idk.

I don't know if it would help THAT much since the trolls will just make new accounts, but that would put an extra step in their way to slow them down and hopefully they'd eventually get tired and go troll somewhere else.

These fuckin' trolls are really cramping our style. It's quite unfortunate.

Just a few ideas:
- Accounts under 1 month old have a post limit per day or other time period
- Accounts under 1 month old (again, random number, could be 2 or 3 or 6 weeks) should be restricted to only certain sub-forums?
- Accounts under 1 month old they could only comment on existing threads and not make new ones?
- Or maybe they have free reign, but we could have a report troll button that only full members, or senior members, or donators could use to report them, then their account would get locked down/restricted. Maybe there could be a threshold where 2 or 3 different legit accounts have to report before the restrictions kick in to mitigate the risk of one person abusing their power.

Idk, that is just a few ideas. Take it or leave it. Just trying to help improve the experience around here for those of us who are serious about the forum :)

Peace yall and take care!
Don’t like it, don’t read it. It’s pretty simple. You can’t cure the internet of stupid.
Yes, I am aware of and already do this.

However it is possible that some technical limitations may be beneficial for the community. It's just a thought. Not saying it must be done, but it might help. I have ignored more accounts in the last week than in my entire time on Meso before that.
The only way to stop a troll is to starve it of the oxygen it needs (attention). Every time I see one of these trolling threads I am shocked at how easily baited guys are by trolling. Just let the threads/posts echo into oblivion and it'll stop.
However if a troll is giving dangerous advice it has to be stopped.
However if a troll is giving dangerous advice it has to be stopped.
I suppose I view that as distinct and separate from trolling. Also, I would posit- does it? These forums are filled with dangerous advice. Polypharmacy and dangerous hormones are basically the topic du jour. There may be particularly egregious examples, but this is the Wild West, and there's an assumption of risk with taking advice on the internet.
I suppose I view that as distinct and separate from trolling. Also, I would posit- does it? These forums are filled with dangerous advice. Polypharmacy and dangerous hormones are basically the topic du jour. There may be particularly egregious examples, but this is the Wild West, and there's an assumption of risk with taking advice on the internet.
Trolls will do that to get the rise out of people while those who give such advice to people who don't know better are pure idiots.
Trolls are the exception, not the rule. It's unfair to penalize new members for some trolls... We want to help to forum grow, not set limits on growth.

You've only been here like 6 months @MFAAS - cool your jets.
I was just thinking about it. I'm not saying I am this incredible person who's been here forever, it's not about me. You can't deny that the last couple weeks have seen a large influx of bullshit posts. All I am trying to do is contribute ways to ensure the content on meso continues to be high quality and we don't go the route of many other bodybuilding forums where we DO end up with the majority of posts/comments being bullshit. A post limit or some other restriction on new accounts is a common thing to do for many places. Again, just a thought I figured I'd throw out there to spark some discussion. I am perfectly happy with just leaving things as-is too.
some boards deal with trolls by requiring new accounts to wait for their posts to be approved by mods. but that seems like it would go against what meso is since meso doesnt really have mods.
some boards deal with trolls by requiring new accounts to wait for their posts to be approved by mods. but that seems like it would go against what meso is since meso doesnt really have mods.
Yeah we don't have mods to do that sort of thing. Plus having mods like that can cause issues in and of itself. Mods are humans too and often abuse their power.
You can't deny that the last couple weeks have seen a large influx of bullshit posts.

Yeah, it happens in several waves a year... And every few waves, a new guy starts a PSA thread to try and combat it. Yet, it's here now and it'll be here forever.

Not that I really enjoy it, but more people enjoy it than you think. It gives the board entertainment. Talking about cycles and pin sites gets stale... Trolls add a little humor and drama.
Not that I really enjoy it, but more people enjoy it than you think. It gives the board entertainment. Talking about cycles and pin sites gets stale... Trolls add a little humor and drama.

There are some damn creative guys here. I enjoy seeing how fucked up and dark it can get. It's just my kinda humor.

It sure beats the obligatory weekly "my dick won't work after 1.4G of tren" posts.
Yeah, it happens in several waves a year... And every few waves, a new guy starts a PSA thread to try and combat it. Yet, it's here now and it'll be here forever.

Not that I really enjoy it, but more people enjoy it than you think. It gives the board entertainment. Talking about cycles and pin sites gets stale... Trolls add a little humor and drama.
Yeah now I feel bad about @Exister0...dude just needs to learn more.
Yeah, it happens in several waves a year... And every few waves, a new guy starts a PSA thread to try and combat it. Yet, it's here now and it'll be here forever.

Not that I really enjoy it, but more people enjoy it than you think. It gives the board entertainment. Talking about cycles and pin sites gets stale... Trolls add a little humor and drama.
Yeah I can see that. I still think it might worth considering so maybe they can't troll quite so hard. I can definitely tell some people get into it. They like the shit slinging and the flaming and all that. I'm personally not into it, myself, but to each their own. When I open a thread I expect to see something at least reasonably real. I'll just have to put on my stand up comedian hat when I read those things instead and crack a joke instead ;)