Deca for lower back pain?


New Member
Despite stretching for years I have a lot of problems with the lower back pain, sciatica nerve

Could deca help to overcome it? I went to therapy, spinal decompression, stretching for years but it took its toll from working on my laptop, too much sitting and impacts from snowboarding landings

Soon I'm starting TRT route and was considering adding deca for a summer, is 250mg/week for 2 months enough?

Or I give a TRT a chance because I saw also some posts about how back pain is gone on TRT?

Anyone overcome similar problem? I plan adding specific training for my lower back mobility, core strenght, opening my hips so hoping it wont come back after I stop it.
Despite stretching for years I have a lot of problems with the lower back pain, sciatica nerve

Could deca help to overcome it? I went to therapy, spinal decompression, stretching for years but it took its toll from working on my laptop, too much sitting and impacts from snowboarding landings

Soon I'm starting TRT route and was considering adding deca for a summer, is 250mg/week for 2 months enough?

Or I give a TRT a chance because I saw also some posts about how back pain is gone on TRT?

Anyone overcome similar problem? I plan adding specific training for my lower back mobility, core strenght, opening my hips so hoping it wont come back after I stop it.
Look up nerve glides, but if they aggrevate the symptoms stop, and usuasllly these are started when they dissapate, it may help.

Also physical therapy, have seen it help alot of people, if have insurance it may cover.

Also the lower back is not a mobile joint, its static, so stretching above and below that area may help. Focus on hips, then also thoracic are.

If your sitting all day, i would have to think that actually tight hips are the issue, not actually the back.

Do that one stretch when on one knee and you are kneeling on that one knee and you lean into it, like a hip flexor stretch.

Try some of this if you havent, this is from the little bit of knowledge from gathered in various areas.

Last thing, i dont see how trt would help. But it would help maybe if you have low t, or build more muscle which then easier supports your body.
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Look up nerve glides, but if they aggrevate the symptoms stop, and usuasllly these are started when they dissapate, it may help.

Also physical therapy, have seen it help alot of people, if have insurance it may cover.

Also the lower back is not a mobile joint, its static, so stretching above and below that area may help. Focus on hips, then also thoracic are.

If your sitting all day, i would have to think that actually tight hips are the issue, not actually the back.

Do that one stretch when on one knee and you are kneeling on that one knee and you lean into it, like a hip flexor stretch.

Try some of this if you havent, this is from the little bit of knowledge from gathered in various areas.

Last thing, i dont see how trt would help. But it would help maybe if you have low t, or build more muscle which then easier supports your body.
I'm not really sure what is the cause, but I was working with a few physiotherapists, some say its sciatica nerve, some its disc so I will go soon for an MRI scan.
Well, it's all private as here you have to wait for months to get an appointment.

I changed a lot of things now, bought a new ergonomic chair, forcing myself to sleep on the back and on the side (was sleeping my whole life on the stomach), got a new pillow, I stretch in the morning 20 mins and before the bed, many of those are for opening the hips.
I also started doing core exercises which I've never done directly, but they work with other sports that I'm doing.

A few days ago I almost broke in half doing 40kg squats, nothing and then a sudden spike. It hurts even more now but I'm trying to focus on my habits to improve it and ignoring it, still hitting the gym.

Also I just did my second shot TRT, and I've got deca on the side which I may start in 3 months if it stays the same or goes worse

Btw, do you know the difference between the pain of sciatica, and disc pain? Its on the left side of my lower back, and in some positions I feel it in the outer part of my leg, almost to the bottom. Its a weird feeling
I started to get sciatica from driving for 8-12hrs at a time. The pain would start on the back/inside of my right ass and shoot down the outside of my leg. It ceased when I started going medieval on foam rolling my hips and glutes.
Strengthen your core. Lose belly fat and excess body weight. De-stress your life. Eat well and drink lots of water. Avoid alcohol.
Yes I must work on my core way more than I do. The rest is on point, cant say anything. I'm around 10% bf with visible abs not flexed and veins from quads to delts. Sitting and I dont know how to sit, Im tall so Im always half sitting half lying, now Im working on it
I started to get sciatica from driving for 8-12hrs at a time. The pain would start on the back/inside of my right ass and shoot down the outside of my leg. It ceased when I started going medieval on foam rolling my hips and glutes.
Sitting kills and I hate it but I need to. Foam is a good idea, I should start it also. Same just the left side. And I got it after long trip for months, too much sitting in the busses etc and them flying 20 hours by plane killing every bone, from that point it started but now its like pain changed and its affecting more area, different kind of pain, stronger and broader and limiting me way more..
Try laying on you back and gently pulling your knees to your chest and holding. Do this several times a day - this also helped me as well as the chiropracter
Despite stretching for years I have a lot of problems with the lower back pain, sciatica nerve

Could deca help to overcome it? I went to therapy, spinal decompression, stretching for years but it took its toll from working on my laptop, too much sitting and impacts from snowboarding landings

Soon I'm starting TRT route and was considering adding deca for a summer, is 250mg/week for 2 months enough?

Or I give a TRT a chance because I saw also some posts about how back pain is gone on TRT?

Anyone overcome similar problem? I plan adding specific training for my lower back mobility, core strenght, opening my hips so hoping it wont come back after I stop it.
No offense but do you lift or anything? Im Speaking from experience here so I feel like I can judge you. You probably have a weak back and a flat ass, years ago I had chronic back pain and about once a year it would just go out, I'd be laid up for a few days. Literally bed ridden, my legs would tingle/go numb when I'd get up to take a piss and give out. I had MRI's done and multiple doctor Vists. The doctors said everything looks fine and Yada Yada Yada. Painkillers didn't help and I didn't want them. The only thing that helped were muscle relaxers.

This went on for a few years and i just delt with it. I was in manual labor at the time and noticed my back got worse in the off season. Long story short I had a weak back and a flat ass. When I started focusing on building a stronger back it started to improve. What made a world of difference was building my glutes. I don't know what you do but if your coming from no lifting at all, start with body weight squats. listen to your back and gradually increase resistance.

I can 100% guarantee that if you stop sitting on bones and build yourself a nice meat cushion along with legs this back issue will be a thing of the past and not your future.

If you do nothing It will get worse. Also trt or deca will not help with back pain directly.

And don't go to a chiropractor.
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Despite stretching for years I have a lot of problems with the lower back pain, sciatica nerve

Could deca help to overcome it? I went to therapy, spinal decompression, stretching for years but it took its toll from working on my laptop, too much sitting and impacts from snowboarding landings

Soon I'm starting TRT route and was considering adding deca for a summer, is 250mg/week for 2 months enough?

Or I give a TRT a chance because I saw also some posts about how back pain is gone on TRT?

Anyone overcome similar problem? I plan adding specific training for my lower back mobility, core strenght, opening my hips so hoping it wont come back after I stop it.

The human back is incredibly resilient and redundant for survival sake. Bigger stronger, muscles take over for smaller, weak or injured muscles. Meanwhile those important postural muscles weaken and cause anarchy. Physical therapists are specifically trained to find which muscles are weak and expose them.

PT exercises have to be customized to you specifically. I’ve been there, chasing my tail, watching and trying dozens of things from YouTube. Don’t suffer!
No offense but do you lift or anything? Im Speaking from experience here so I feel like I can judge you. You probably have a weak back and a flat ass, years ago I had chronic back pain and about once a year it would just go out, I'd be laid up for a few days. Literally bed ridden, my legs would tingle/go numb when I'd get up to take a piss and give out. I had MRI's done and multiple doctor Vists. The doctors said everything looks fine and Yada Yada Yada. Painkillers didn't help and I didn't want them. The only thing that helped were muscle relaxers.

This went on for a few years and i just delt with it. I was in manual labor at the time and noticed my back got worse in the off season. Long story short I had a weak back and a flat ass. When I started focusing on building a stronger back it started to improve. What made a world of difference was building my glutes. I don't know what you do but if your coming from no lifting at all, start with body weight squats. listen to your back and gradually increase resistance.

I can 100% guarantee that if you stop sitting on bones and build yourself a nice meat cushion along with legs this back issue will be a thing of the past and not your future.

If you do nothing It will get worse. Also trt or deca will not help with back pain directly.

And don't go to a chiropractor.
I do for 15 years, 8 months per year I can say, BUT.. I never did core exercises and I lifted heavy when I started but was always "skipping" these core and lower back exercises. Young and stupid.

It makes a lot of sense now, and yes, you're 100% right about weak back, I'm sitting on my bones even now because I'm lean and when I got bigger (no fat bigger), my core and lower back couldn't handle all that weight. With a lot of improper sitting and stiff hamstrings, I get up and hit the gym, go rock climbing, go snowboarding and I think my weak core couldn't handle my muscles and these movements and it broke somewhere.

As I said earlier in the topic, I did some changes and I hope it will be better in a few months. New ergonomic chair and pillow, stretching in the morning and before bed mainly focusing on opening my hips, spine, stretching my hamstrings, I do like 15 poses for a total of 20-30 mins cca. From sleeping on my stomach whole life, now I'm forcing myself to sleep on my back and on sides, It's easier to get up in the morning and I try not to sit more than 1 hour in one go.

Do you still have some issues or it's completely gone now? And how old are you?


The human back is incredibly resilient and redundant for survival sake. Bigger stronger, muscles take over for smaller, weak or injured muscles. Meanwhile those important postural muscles weaken and cause anarchy. Physical therapists are specifically trained to find which muscles are weak and expose them.

PT exercises have to be customized to you specifically. I’ve been there, chasing my tail, watching and trying dozens of things from YouTube. Don’t suffer!

You're right! I had posture problems my whole life, started at really early age using PC, a lot of stupid sitting and just bulking other muscles, ignoring core... I'm following some exercises from lowbackability guy and Anthony Green, it's hard to find a good PT here, so internet is my book of knowledge.

Appreciate the inputs, thanks!

The human back is incredibly resilient and redundant for survival sake. Bigger stronger, muscles take over for smaller, weak or injured muscles. Meanwhile those important postural muscles weaken and cause anarchy. Physical therapists are specifically trained to find which muscles are weak and expose them.

PT exercises have to be customized to you specifically. I’ve been there, chasing my tail, watching and trying dozens of things from YouTube. Don’t suffer!
Agreed 110% well put