Diluting hCG with NaCl solution and bacteriostatic water


New Member
I've only used pre-mixed hCG for prior cycles, but the hCG I have received this time around came with 2 ml of 0.9% NaCl solution. I also have 10 ml of bacteriostatic water. Should I mix the 2 ml of NaCl solution first into the small vial containing hCG powder and then transfer this into a larger sterile vial while adding 8 ml of bacteriostatic water to produce roughly 10 ml of overall hCG solution?

Thank you
It depends on what your HCG dosage requirements are. I’m not sure about mixing NaCI and BAC together to be honest, I would just use all BAC.

for me what makes sense is reconstituting with 2ml of BAC into 5000iu of HCG since I’d be using a 1cc insulin pin. Each tic on the pin will give me 250mg (I.e Fill to 20 line, 2nd tick will be 500mg).
It depends on what your HCG dosage requirements are. I’m not sure about mixing NaCI and BAC together to be honest, I would just use all BAC.

for me what makes sense is reconstituting with 2ml of BAC into 5000iu of HCG since I’d be using a 1cc insulin pin. Each tic on the pin will give me 250mg (I.e Fill to 20 line, 2nd tick will be 500mg).
Thanks, bro. I was hoping to start out with 150 iu dosages E3D and get bloodwork before and after one week.

I appreciate the help