Does Primobolan RAISE Testosterone?


New Member
First time I post here, so hopefully my question isn't too silly. I'm on trt -- legit trt, not a mini-cycle -- taking about 140 mg per week (microdosing, 20 mg daily). Usually my test level comes back at maybe 750 total. About 10 weeks back, I began adding primobolan (or at least what I hope is primobolan, seeing how difficult it seems to be to attain the real thing). And now I just did some blood work. On the one hand, I was pleased to see that my cholesterol profile wasn't too bad, borderline normal; on the other, I was surprised to see my test level skyrocket to 1350 (from 750). Could the primo have done that? I should say, in defense of the primo I used, it definitely got me harder and more vascular, which, while not proving its real primo, suggests it's not more test masquerading as primo (which could easily explain the jump in my test level). Any thoughts appreciated.
Yes, I should've added that, while nothing changed with the test (frequency and dose), I started pretty high with the primo (450 mg/week for about 4 weeks), before dropping it to 300, and then, over the last few weeks, 200 mg. I suppose another way of asking my question is -- if someone does a primo only cycle, could there test get high? I'm assuming no, right -- that's why we're always supposed to use test for a "base."
Same injection frequency?

Same elapsed time from last injection to blood draw?

Make sure you are using LCMS TT assay to avoid interference from other compounds
Yes, I should've added that, while nothing changed with the test (frequency and dose), I started pretty high with the primo (450 mg/week for about 4 weeks), before dropping it to 300, and then, over the last few weeks, 200 mg. I suppose another way of asking my question is -- if someone does a primo only cycle, could there test get high? I'm assuming no, right -- that's why we're always supposed to use test for a "base."
Great. Use the LCMS assay to avoid the enzyme immunoassay potentially picking up the other AAS in your blood. "LCMS" or aka "MS".

Great. Use the LCMS assay to avoid the enzyme immunoassay potentially picking up the other AAS in your blood. "LCMS" or aka "MS".

Okay, I'll look into that; all new to me. Was a competitive bb in the 90s, won some shows and even stood next to Jay Cutler, and trying to get back into it, but also want to stick with the safest compounds/protocols -- hence my desire to confirm if what I got is real primo or not. Thanks -
Maybe if it could affect ECLIA TESTOSTERONE test with a false elevation.

It's doesn't make your body retain more exogenous testosterone
Thanks, I don't know. Looking now at my lab paper, it doesn't indicate anywhere what kind of testosterone test it was, not even in the endnotes/references
Yes, I should've added that, while nothing changed with the test (frequency and dose), I started pretty high with the primo (450 mg/week for about 4 weeks), before dropping it to 300, and then, over the last few weeks, 200 mg. I suppose another way of asking my question is -- if someone does a primo only cycle, could there test get high? I'm assuming no, right -- that's why we're always supposed to use test for a "base."
You are misunderstanding that your blood test showing higher test dose not mean you have a higher test level. Primo is primo and test is test. The only thing that raises your test level is more testosterone.

You did the cheap testosterone blood test which misidentified primo as test. Get it? A faulty blood test does not mean that primo raised your test level, it means you don't actually know what your test level was and you need to re do your blood work with the more advanced higher specificity technique.

Primo solo is only for women. Try it if you want and find out what feeling horrendous is all about. It seems you have some misunderstandings in the basics of male hormones and AAS use.
If Labcorp, this is one option:

So you're saying this second option from LabCorp would offer better results concerning my question? If so, I'll ask the doc to use it next time. Anyway, to end this discussion, based on the lab test I did do, we cannot conclusively say one way or the other if what I took was real Primo -- which is ultimately what I was trying to figure out -- yes?
So you're saying this second option from LabCorp would offer better results concerning my question?
Conclusive results within the normal variation of the human body. Even if you just took the right blood test every week running the same Test/same frequency your results would come back ~+/- 100 ng/dl.

Primo (or any other AAS) doesn't increase blood levels of testosterone while using exogenous testosterone. Actually, it's the exact opposite when you consider Total Tesotsterone mediated by SHBG. But that's a whole nother rabbit hole.
You are misunderstanding that your blood test showing higher test dose not mean you have a higher test level. Primo is primo and test is test. The only thing that raises your test level is more testosterone.

You did the cheap testosterone blood test which misidentified primo as test. Get it? A faulty blood test does not mean that primo raised your test level, it means you don't actually know what your test level was and you need to re do your blood work with the more advanced higher specificity technique.

Primo solo is only for women. Try it if you want and find out what feeling horrendous is all about. It seems you have some misunderstandings in the basics of male hormones and AAS use.
No need to get offensive, bruh. I may not have your "Bro Science" credentials, but I have a basic understanding of the lay of the land. Moreover, I've got real experience vs abstract theory, and, as such, can tell you that I've done primo -- real Schering Primo in the 90s -- at 300 mg/week, without test for months at a time, and felt and looked phenomenal (including great libido, etc.). So everything is not quite so cut and dry as the books say... Ciao.