New Member
Good evening everyone,
I hope you are having a great week. While I begin my research work I wanted to raise a question here that I find more than interesting.
The question is clear and I will tell you a little about my “movie”.
The first time I saw that “testogel” was “prescribed” for a post-cycle I thought it was “absurd”, but I have seen it more and more frequently not only in “well-known” trainers, but also when in the social security system itself acquaintances with low testosterone have been prescribed testogel and from hearsay, some say that it does not suppress the axis, but rather that it gives it support without leaving LH and FSH, but it is hearsay and I do not take anything for granted.
I would like to know if you are aware, from experience, of any study or any “weighty” argument, whether this is so or not…
Ideally, we should take a natural subject, expose it through analysis and check… although the exposure time and everything related to individualization would have to be determined…
Not to ramble on, but to give a bit of history to the thread, I hope for your experience and the light you can shed on the subject.
I have a friend who makes it himself and after having tried it, with all that has been said above, it seems more than interesting to me if we really confirm that it does not suppress the axis, logically in a minimal amount.
It is a subject with many nuances, that is clear. We are talking about a dosage, if I am not mistaken, “minimum” which is usually prescribed at 50mg a day. An acquaintance even with 25mg a day, comments that he has noticed quite a few benefits. We are talking about a strong boy, who has used the most is 20mg of oxa a day
Regards and thanks.
I hope you are having a great week. While I begin my research work I wanted to raise a question here that I find more than interesting.
The question is clear and I will tell you a little about my “movie”.
The first time I saw that “testogel” was “prescribed” for a post-cycle I thought it was “absurd”, but I have seen it more and more frequently not only in “well-known” trainers, but also when in the social security system itself acquaintances with low testosterone have been prescribed testogel and from hearsay, some say that it does not suppress the axis, but rather that it gives it support without leaving LH and FSH, but it is hearsay and I do not take anything for granted.
I would like to know if you are aware, from experience, of any study or any “weighty” argument, whether this is so or not…
Ideally, we should take a natural subject, expose it through analysis and check… although the exposure time and everything related to individualization would have to be determined…
Not to ramble on, but to give a bit of history to the thread, I hope for your experience and the light you can shed on the subject.
I have a friend who makes it himself and after having tried it, with all that has been said above, it seems more than interesting to me if we really confirm that it does not suppress the axis, logically in a minimal amount.
It is a subject with many nuances, that is clear. We are talking about a dosage, if I am not mistaken, “minimum” which is usually prescribed at 50mg a day. An acquaintance even with 25mg a day, comments that he has noticed quite a few benefits. We are talking about a strong boy, who has used the most is 20mg of oxa a day
Regards and thanks.