Donated blood today...


Well-known Member
i donated blood today, as the title states.
i was surprised, after reading on here about the Red Cross checking hemoglobin levels first, i don't believe that they did.

They took my temp, bp, pulse rate and checked my iron. All of which passed and you know how the rest goes.

i watched as they entered the numbers into the computer. No mention of hemoglobin... Unless they can extrapolate that from my iron count?

Either way, feeling better already.
The god damned itchiness and dull headaches have dropped off to nearly nothing.

This boys a happy camper tonight. :D
What was your iron at? I've been off since February and just donated in June and my iron was 18.4!!
I need to donate but I'm on accutane so I don't think I'm allowed?

Time for some bloodletting!!
If your accutane is prescription, your doctor can write a script for you to "donate" and have them dispose of it after. Alternatively, find a nurse/phlebotomist friend who will help you at home
Be careful. If you have a friend at a fire department he can show you also
I've done a fair amount of reading on it and have been keeping up with a few of the guys we have here that do it, namely @Perrin Aybara

The wife loves stuff like that and is in the medical field so she will be the phlebotomist.

@Eman Yolo dude. It's bloodletting Saturday!! It looks easy enough but I'm not expecting more than about half a pint to come out. Seems like that's around the limit for a lot of guys when doing it at home.
I've done a fair amount of reading on it and have been keeping up with a few of the guys we have here that do it, namely @Perrin Aybara

The wife loves stuff like that and is in the medical field so she will be the phlebotomist.

@Eman Yolo dude. It's bloodletting Saturday!! It looks easy enough but I'm not expecting more than about half a pint to come out. Seems like that's around the limit for a lot of guys when doing it at home.

I'm probably gonna drop a pint tomorrow, I'm past due. A pint is possible, but I wasn't able to get that much the first few times i tried. Text me if you need help with it.
I'm probably gonna drop a pint tomorrow, I'm past due. A pint is possible, but I wasn't able to get that much the first few times i tried. Text me if you need help with it.
About how long for a pint to come out? Same as a normal donation timeframe?