Eca Stack?


New Member
In running a ECA stack is it better to purchase the product already mixed and capped such as a STACKER 2 or a SUPERDRINE rather than cap it yourself? And what companies that make ECA stacked products are good?
At one time years ago I used Ripped Fuel for awhile and it was effective. I still say the best way to go is buying ephedrine by itself and either buy caffeine tabs or just take your E with a cup or two of coffee like I do. Lots ot these blended formulas have lots of crap to make an impressive label/higher price but the EC combo is what's been proven to work- and it's cheap.
Thanks for the info. I have used over the counter stuff in the past and it works terrifiic but with the new laws and ephedra things have changed. I dont see where you can buy just the ephendrine? Online stores just sale the labeled companies that are over priced...
Thanks for all the info. at 24mg of ephendrine and 200 mg of caf. does that sound correct? What form of caf. do you use. coffee, no doz, etc?
Yeah, I use coffee. Your dosing is correct. I take more caffeine just because I like my coffee a lot. I also take 32 mg of Ephedrine, but 25mg is the usual safe/effective dose you see people using.
I always mix my own, especially now that the premixed stuff on the market sucks. I never liked the herb, ephedra because the dosing is unreliable. That's why it was pulled off the shelf. Ephedrine, the drug, is dosed exactly. The stack is 20 mg ephedrine, 200 mg caffiene, and an aspirin which I think is 325 mg. The aspirin shuts down the negative feedback loop and increases the effectiveness. But, this stack is pretty strong and can cause health problems.

My own editorial comments: I quit using this stuff years ago because I felt I was becoming adicted (probably too strong of a word), I didn't like the thought of heart damage, and I noticed some sexual side effects. Use at your own peril. Even at my peak usage I would only do one dose in the morning. I can't imagine using it 2-3 times a day like some do.
I love ECA stacks- i have tried Clen and didn't like it near as much! I get my Ephidrene from Vasapro and it comes in 25mg pills. I mix that with 200mg caf(no doz) and an asprin (325mg). Usually take it once a day but sometimes take it twice daily if i feel like it. Love the stuff!