ECLIA accuracy


I get my bloods done regularly at an NHS harm reduction clinic. I’m pretty sure that they use the ECLIA method for testosterone as, when I’ve blasted before, my levels have come back as >52nmol. I think I’m right in saying that ECLIA can only test up to this level (1500ng)? Please someone correct me if I’m wrong.

One thing I’ve noticed is that the results can vary wildly. 5 weeks ago I tested at 32nmol on TRT. I dropped my dose by 25mg a week and tested again this week. It came back as >52nmol.

Is it the case that the ECLIA test is so inaccurate it’s essentially worthless or maybe the lab is incompetent?

Note: I know my body isn’t producing any test as my LH is <1 (i can’t remember what the units are), and I’m not on HCG or any other LH mimicking peptide. I didn’t switch UGLs or anything during the past 5 weeks; all my test came from the same vial.
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