Efficient fertility recovery after cycle



My wife and I (early 40s) plan to try for another kid in approximately one year.

The reasonable and boring me would stay off anything in this time, however the other me considers a 12 week cycle later this year so I'd have 6 months for fertility recovery.
I am quasi natty, this would be the first serious cycle.

An important requirement of this cycle would be the least possible impact on fertility or the fastest and most efficient recovery.

Cycle and post cycle:
Week 1-8: 250 mg Test Cyp E3.5D
Week 9: 40 mg Test Prop ED
Week 10: 60 mg Test Prop ED
Week 11-12: 70 mg Test Prop ED
Week 2-14: 1000 IU HCG E3.5D
Week 5-14: 75 IU HMG MWF
Optionally: Week 15-18 (En)clomiphene x mg ED
Exemestane 12.5 mg E3.5D (or as needed)

I also run 3 IU HGH daily (week -8 until wife is pregnant).
HGH should be in every fertility recovery protocol.

Tamoxifen, Telmisartan and Nebivolol optionally.

Bloods at week 7 and 14
Sperm analysis at week 24

Freezing sperm is no option because I do not want IVF.
My natural testosterone swings between mid 500s and 1000.

What do you guys think?

What about different and less suppressive AAS (everything except MENT is less suppressive than testosterone)?
Honestly If you have a normal count now, a 12 week cycle wouldn't likely make you infertile. I was on no hcg TRT or blast and cruise for 3 years and I never became fully infertile, just very low. HCG alone would probably keep your count normal.

Your plan is fine. But get a test done now, YO test is affordable ended up being 25 dollars a test for me with the 6x kit.

Your balls need three things to make sperm. LH, FSH, and some level of intratesticular testosterone production. When you take gear, your body stops producing LH and FSH. HCG replaces the LH, HMG provides FSH.

Sperm takes roughly 70 days to be produced. So even if you had to come off and run a fertility protocol to restore your count, you would be good to go in 6 months assuming no other underlying conditions.
I had lots of sperm checks in a lab.
My count is good, morphology improved massively with HGH and motility fluctuates. No one knows why. Hormones, diet, physical health, all good.
Honestly If you have a normal count now, a 12 week cycle wouldn't likely make you infertile. I was on no hcg TRT or blast and cruise for 3 years and I never became fully infertile, just very low. HCG alone would probably keep your count normal.

Your plan is fine. But get a test done now, YO test is affordable ended up being 25 dollars a test for me with the 6x kit.

Your balls need three things to make sperm. LH, FSH, and some level of intratesticular testosterone production. When you take gear, your body stops producing LH and FSH. HCG replaces the LH, HMG provides FSH.

Sperm takes roughly 70 days to be produced. So even if you had to come off and run a fertility protocol to restore your count, you would be good to go in 6 months assuming no other underlying conditions.
I thought HMG can also mimic LH as well as FSH and HCG only mimics LH.
Hmg is a mixture of lh and fsh in 1:1 ration. So it mimics both. Hcg only mimics lh but is stronger i think.
Ahh ok gotcha that’s what I was under the impression of. HMG is much harder to find for legit product and way more expensive but if money isn’t an issue definitely the way to go. Can supplement with a little HCG.

Saw something like HMG is the heavy artillery and HCG is small arms fire.

Read a crazy protocol off 1000IU HCG 3x a week and 225IU HMG weekly. Guy had success and SA went from 0 to 82 million observed.