Elevated AST/ALT Test-E Cycle Advice


New Member
Hey guys,

I just finished up a mini cycle of test-e @ 300mg/week split between two doses every 3.5 days. No AI.

I ran the cycle for about 12 weeks when I noticed my AST/ALT started getting high. I have now been on cruise dose for 150mg, but my AST/ALT is elevated.

Is this normal? Is this possibly an issue with my gear?

Diet and training both on point, I also checked my C reactive protein and it came back normal which should indicate no inflammation in body.

I would appreciate any valuable insight.

Here are the ast/alt levels:

Pre cycle (no test) -

Ast ref range: 10-40 u/l

Alt ref range: 9-46 u/l

AST - 38

ALT - 28

4 weeks into cycle ( test-e 300mg/ week)-

AST - 64

ALT - 41

8 weeks into cycle (test-e 400mg/ week)-

AST - 97

ALT - 78

Currently 4 weeks at (test-e 150mg/week) -
AST - 58

ALT - 72
Hey guys,

I just finished up a mini cycle of test-e @ 300mg/week split between two doses every 3.5 days. No AI.

I ran the cycle for about 12 weeks when I noticed my AST/ALT started getting high. I have now been on cruise dose for 150mg, but my AST/ALT is elevated.

Is this normal? Is this possibly an issue with my gear?

Diet and training both on point, I also checked my C reactive protein and it came back normal which should indicate no inflammation in body.

I would appreciate any valuable insight.

Here are the ast/alt levels:

Pre cycle (no test) -

Ast ref range: 10-40 u/l

Alt ref range: 9-46 u/l

AST - 38

ALT - 28

4 weeks into cycle ( test-e 300mg/ week)-

AST - 64

ALT - 41

8 weeks into cycle (test-e 400mg/ week)-

AST - 97

ALT - 78

Currently 4 weeks at (test-e 150mg/week) -
AST - 58

ALT - 72

Just bumping this up, anyone know if elevated ast/alt is normal on just test?
How soon after training were your bloods drawn? I know mine were high once I started training again and took bloods 3 days post workout. Slowly have been coming back down.
Lots of variables can throw off liver values.

If you had any alcohol the week before.
used any NSAID pain killers
poor hydration

while you shouldnt ignore elevated liver values, its important to keep in mind the various factors
How soon after training were your bloods drawn? I know mine were high once I started training again and took bloods 3 days post workout. Slowly have been coming back down.

I did some intense cardio the day prior to my last blood test. My main concern is that high AST is typically related to muscle/skeletal injury whereas ALT is more related to liver injury (if I’m not mistaken). My ALT is higher than AST right now which makes me think it is a liver issue rather than muscular which is strange since Test is not supposed to be hepatoxic?
Lots of variables can throw off liver values.

If you had any alcohol the week before.
used any NSAID pain killers
poor hydration

while you shouldnt ignore elevated liver values, its important to keep in mind the various factors

Yes this is the worst part about the situation, so many variables at play.

No alc or pain killers before my last blood test.

I hydrate pretty well but will make sure to drink even more water moving forward

My training is very intense for sure
If your training hard, this is normal even off of gear. My numbers get way higher than this.

Yep that’s what I keep hearing is that training should raise levels but my training hasn’t changed since before my cycle, and my AST/ALT was normal before the cycle.
I did some intense cardio the day prior to my last blood test. My main concern is that high AST is typically related to muscle/skeletal injury whereas ALT is more related to liver injury (if I’m not mistaken). My ALT is higher than AST right now which makes me think it is a liver issue rather than muscular which is strange since Test is not supposed to be hepatoxic?
It can be both.
Hey guys,

I just finished up a mini cycle of test-e @ 300mg/week split between two doses every 3.5 days. No AI.

I ran the cycle for about 12 weeks when I noticed my AST/ALT started getting high. I have now been on cruise dose for 150mg, but my AST/ALT is elevated.

Is this normal? Is this possibly an issue with my gear?

Diet and training both on point, I also checked my C reactive protein and it came back normal which should indicate no inflammation in body.

I would appreciate any valuable insight.

Here are the ast/alt levels:

Pre cycle (no test) -

Ast ref range: 10-40 u/l

Alt ref range: 9-46 u/l

AST - 38

ALT - 28

4 weeks into cycle ( test-e 300mg/ week)-

AST - 64

ALT - 41

8 weeks into cycle (test-e 400mg/ week)-

AST - 97

ALT - 78

Currently 4 weeks at (test-e 150mg/week) -
AST - 58

ALT - 72

Yes, injectables do present a certain load towards the liver, as does mostly anything you put in your body. Androgens go through the liver where they get metabolized which includes; methylation and conjugation; glucuronidation and sulfation. So mild elevations in liver enzymes can happen. If you want to screen for any potential liver damage (which almost certainly didn't happen, but you never know ...) to get some additional peace of mind: check ggt and alp. Those two are more robustly, positively corelated with liver damage then just enzymes.

There are ofc other factors which can contribute to elevated liver enzymes, some of which have already been mentioned, but it's most likely that the elevation was caused by excess androgens.

Do you have any other labs?
Yes, injectables do present a certain load towards the liver, as does mostly anything you put in your body. Androgens go through the liver where they get metabolized which includes; methylation and conjugation; glucuronidation and sulfation. So mild elevations in liver enzymes can happen. If you want to screen for any potential liver damage (which almost certainly didn't happen, but you never know ...) to get some additional peace of mind: check ggt and alp. Those two are more robustly, positively corelated with liver damage then just enzymes.

There are ofc other factors which can contribute to elevated liver enzymes, some of which have already been mentioned, but it's most likely that the elevation was caused by excess androgens.

Do you have any other labs?
Would Mk667 also put some load on the liver? Or 1-test?
Mine came back. Kinda worried
S-ASAT - 79
S-ALAT - 231
Would Mk667 also put some load on the liver? Or 1-test?
Mine came back. Kinda worried
S-ASAT - 79
S-ALAT - 231
Chill. This is moderate elevation, nothing to worry yet. DHB is the likely culprit. I also had raised liver enzymes after DHB cycle. Take 500mg NAC daily for a month and you will be fine, or TUDCA if you can get it. TUDCA will normalize such elevation in couple of weeks.

