Mucuna and fadogia won't do anything for you. Prolactin is not the primary inhibitor of FSH/LH release, testosterone is and if you're using these while taking exogenous testosterone they are essentially useless. There is no way that these herbals, which lack human trials will provide the desired effect you are talking about and work better than pharmaceuticals that have extensive literature supporting their effects on the HPTA axis.
If you're worried about shrinkage and fertility there really is no more effective option than HCG while on cycle. It's relatively cheap and while it can increase estrogen, using it at a biweekly dose to preserve testicular function is extremely unlikely to cause estrogen spikes resulting in gyno. Not to mention it doesn't come with liver or kidney toxicity which many of the herbals you say you'll be taking are associated with. So I guess I'm wondering why you're even bothering to do this self-experiment. HCG is cheaper, safer, and more effective than taking those herbs.