Ephedrine and CA

big bad sigep

New Member
Its been a while since I have been around but I need to find somewhere to pick up some ephedra but I am in CA. so the normal venues won't send it in. Any ideas?

What do you guys mean? Here in SoCal (and no, that's not Southern Canada... :D...) and as of this day I can still walk into my local vitamin store and buy 25mg tabs of ephedrine. They are more expensive because they only sell them as blister wrapped tabs in little boxes but I think I pay $11 for 24 tabs. (Vasopro by Megapro) I used to pay that much for a bottle of 100 but what the heck.

Good luck,
I were making a leetle joke about California:o. In reality, I thought anything that's available from anywhere on this planet (and maybe a few planets beyond that) can be bought either over-the-counter or under it in sunny Californ-eye-ay.:rolleyes:
