Estradiol, Ultrasensitive test - good range to look for


New Member
I've been diligent with my blood work both pre and post cycle to monitor and adverse effects.

What I struggle with is what range should certain markers fall in. In particular, Estradiol. The test gives me a reference range of < OR = 39 pg/mL. My last test measured 72 (pre-cycle) in September.

For reference: I worked up to 650mg / weekly of Test Cyp and 50mg Anavar daily (12 weeks total). I used 0.5mg of Anastrozole weekly, which was 50% of the dose the TRT clinic prescribed while taking 200mg of test per week. I didn't want to crash my E, so I'm not sure if I was doing any good or harm. I'm waiting on my latest test results to come back to see how it compares to the last test.

Is there a solid reference range for Estradiol to look for? Or, is are there too many variables within each individuals natural chemistry and conversion rates? Are there physical signs outside of blood test to look for that may indicate either low or high Estradiol?

Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the link. That's a really interesting article. I had no idea how estradiol impacted so many different facets of your health. Really good stuff.