Everything you take including suppliments


New Member
IsoCort 10 pellets for Cortisol
Nutri Adrenal Extra 2 tablets
Nutri Thyroid 8 tablets
Ascorbic acid 3 grams
Pantothenic Acid powder 1/8 teaspoon twice a day
Magnesium Citrate powder 1 teaspoon
Sublingual B12
Maca Powder 1/2 teaspoon morning and Noon
L-Arginine powder 1/2 teaspoon at bedtime
Brewers Yeast 2-4 tablets a day
Carlson's Fish Oil 1 teaspoon twice a day

Suifan's Medicine Company

Suifan's Kwang Tze Solution for erections

What I am considering

Armour and Cortef

Chinese Medicine to improve my Yin and Yang :D

Suifans-GUARD (For Men) Capsules

Maxman 1 capsule at least once or twice a week to help keep everything down there as healthy and functionable as possibly like a herbal Cialis in concept

You know being hypo and having low adrenals if it wasn't for the sexual stuff I would feel extra good with the mental clarity and wellbeing I now feel most of the time