Feedback for my blood results on TRT


New Member
Hey what's up guys. I would like to share my blood results with you guys and get some feedback on my next plan of action.

I was prescribed Testosterone a little over a month ago. I am currently taking 160 mg a week, 2 shots a week. I did get my blood work on the day I take my injection, before the injection obviously.
I got some blood work done after 6 weeks to see what my levels looked like. My goal is to get down to about 12% bodyfat before I start my bulk. (Currently at 17-20% bodyfat.) The idea was to get my total testosterone to around 1,200 for the time being, before I start my bulk.

My lipids, Cholesterol, thyroid and CBC are all in normal range.
My testosterone and estrogen are as follows:

Total: 1,800
Free: 239
Estradiol: 66 I have an aromatize inhibitor on hand, but have not taken any. I wanted to see what it looked like before I started taking it.

Now I feel great with where I am currently at. My energy levels throughout the day is awesome, libido is great and plenty of energy for the gym.

I guess my question is are these numbers too high for a cruise? I am not experiencing any side effects from the high estrogen. Should I continue with how much I'm taking or should I tone it down a bit. Should I start taking Anastrozole to get my estradiol to normal range? Are these numbers not sustainable for the long term?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read this and helping me out.
If you feel good and have no e2 sides, don’t take an AI. Personally, 66 is not a number to worry about. As far as a cruise goes, it’s all person to person dependent. If you’re looking to do true TRT, drop it down to 100-120mg a week. If I were you, I’d get to a lower bodyfat than 12% before bulking. 8-10%, but again, that’s me.