"Feel good stack" personal experience


New Member
What's you favorite "feel good stack" from a mental/emotional side? What combination did you like the most? And why?

I'll start:

For me a "feel good cycle" means:
I'm content, mentally sharp, assertive but not aggressive. Wake up and ready to go. Can sleep when its time. I'm (moderatly) sexually charged up but not a teenager on Viagra. Look good and feel good & healthy.

Like a mini buddah with a touch of mike tyson & jordan peterson.


1. Test Mast 350mg each
2. 175 175 175 golden trinity Test Tren Mast - after 6-8 weeks Tren is asking for the debt. GOLDEN.
3. 350 test P & 10mg Nolva Topnotch.

Mast is love. But im not ready for going full bold. Nouu.

PIC is me Summer 2016

---- Ifyouliketoread---

Test Mast was golden, 350 or 175 in a 1:1 ratio. Top.

Medium dose tren, like 175-350 week was always feel good for the first 6-8 weeks, then it start going downhill at some point. But before it was really feel good. Test and Mast ideally in addition.

350mg Test P/week(daily injects) + 10mg Nolva was golden. The nolva is the only AI my body tolerates (no Tamox does not ONLY act on the nippels - it has active metabolits that exhibit AI like effect, afaik)


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For me a "feel good cycle" means:
I'm content, mentally sharp, assertive but not aggressive. Wake up and ready to go. Can sleep when its time. I'm (moderatly) sexually charged up but not a teenager on Viagra. Look good and feel good & healthy

I’ve never experienced this as an adult. Regardless of drugs.
Sounds nice though. I’d definitely do the drugs that would make this happen.

This same topic had also been covered a lot.
It’s more of a factor of life positioning.

You will find the longer you do this two main factors come in to play. Having your life together and _correct_ dosages by compound/run duration.

Less a factor of specific compounds.
Spot on!!!
It’s more of a factor of life positioning.

You will find the longer you do this two main factors come in to play. Having your life together and _correct_ dosages by compound/run duration.

Less a factor of specific compounds.
I can't agree more,
can't biohack your way into a good mood
I've felt better while on trt than on a lot of test, because of life circumstances
the brain is more complex than just chemicals

I feel most confident and horny when I look the best , regardless of what i am running

back in the day I felt the best on 500 test 500 mast, but I don't think I can just run that now and feel like that again.
in all honesty I don’t tend to feel ‘good’ from anything, i just know when I’m feeling off. Either because I’ve got carried away and combined too much shit, or pushed too hard in general. So I use feeling negative as the marker of when I’m off piste and need to calm it, rather than looking to what will then make me feel ‘good’.

I’m lucky that I don’t feel anything from compounds other than depression from nandrolone and insomnia from higher dose tren. So I know that usually, not feeling OK or even good is from pushing for too long or adding in excessive ancillaries.
What's you favorite "feel good stack" from a mental/emotional side? What combination did you like the most? And why?

I'll start:

For me a "feel good cycle" means:
I'm content, mentally sharp, assertive but not aggressive. Wake up and ready to go. Can sleep when its time. I'm (moderatly) sexually charged up but not a teenager on Viagra. Look good and feel good & healthy.

Like a mini buddah with a touch of mike tyson & jordan peterson.


1. Test Mast 350mg each
2. 175 175 175 golden trinity Test Tren Mast - after 6-8 weeks Tren is asking for the debt. GOLDEN.
3. 350 test P & 10mg Nolva Topnotch.

Mast is love. But im not ready for going full bold. Nouu.

PIC is me Summer 2016

---- Ifyouliketoread---

Test Mast was golden, 350 or 175 in a 1:1 ratio. Top.

Medium dose tren, like 175-350 week was always feel good for the first 6-8 weeks, then it start going downhill at some point. But before it was really feel good. Test and Mast ideally in addition.

350mg Test P/week(daily injects) + 10mg Nolva was golden. The nolva is the only AI my body tolerates (no Tamox does not ONLY act on the nippels - it has active metabolits that exhibit AI like effect, afaik)
I feel like that regardless of what I take as long as I'm in a calorie surplus lol
I agree with others that your general state of mind at the time is the most important factor. If hectic variables in your life are persistent, it's going to be a wild ride no matter what AAS stack you are on.

That said, I think Mast + Test C will always hold a special place in my heart as that was my starting point and what sent me down the path that I am currently on. So I guess I sort of romanticize Masteron now and that time period as my most enjoyable cycle to date. It was before I became so fanatical about gains and I was just enjoying myself and living in the moment. I am so much more methodical and results focused now that the thrill is largely gone.
I think Astartes nailed it in his response (side note, say that username out loud and try to tell me it doesnt make you laugh).

That said... I do very well on Tren. Specifically alongside low test. Happy, horny, sociable, assertive and very stress free.
I think Astartes nailed it in his response (side note, say that username out loud and try to tell me it doesnt make you laugh).

That said... I do very well on Tren. Specifically alongside low test. Happy, horny, sociable, assertive and very stress free.
That’s fucking funny actually. Never even thought of that. You sure you aren’t one of my best friends in disguise? Damn sickos
Did you start DHB @350 or taper up ?
Both. This time I started at 275-300mg and went to 350 after 4 weeks. But I have started at 3500 before wit no issues.

Basically I thought I would try and keep dosages lower now that I’m older but meh, I’m a moderate dose guy at heart and won’t go lower until I need assistance walking. Probably age 90 lol
Yeah intresting input. Very similar to my experience.

TRT may be the best for all around peak mood in a healthy manner. Add 2iu gh sleep like a baby, thats really peak then.

There would be one thing that would be interesting. For people like me who have MPB/but want to keep what they have left. Some alternate form of DHT would be nice when blocking 5AR. For example stacking a very low dose of mast or something similar.

So a DHT that has less affinity for the ar recpetor but still does what dht does.

So maybe

True TRT

100-140mg test
2iu GH
~70mg mast p

*Not that this is most healthy (natural-like test level -gh-mast would be most healthy in 90%of cases), but something that could be run for some time if well tolerated.
My blast, for 80 days, in a surplus of 700 calories, dream-like-cycle.

(Daily dosages) :

- 71mg of Test-E (500mg/week)
- 20mg of Trest-A (140mg/week)
- 40mg of Dianabol pre-workout (only the first 25 days)
- 10iu of Humalog pre-workout
- 10mg of MK-677 before sleeping (start at day 30)
- 4iu of pharmaceutical HGH before sleeping (year round)

and the rest (Year round) :

- NAC (1g a day)
- L-Carnitine (3g a day)
- BCAA/EAA (not year round)
- Metformin
- Nebivolol (1.25mg once or twice a day)
- Chlorthalidone (not year-round; used sparingly once or twice a week)
- Cabergoline/Exemestane (only when needed)
- Vitamin B12 (1mg a day)
- Multi Vitamins
- Ezetimibe (5mg a day)
- Dutasteride (0.5mg a day)
- Melanotan II (33mcg a day)
- Vitamin D3 (3500iu a day)
- Omega-3
- Probiotics
- Wellbutrin (150mg a day)
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