Finally Posting


New Member
Hello everyone! I’m fairly new here. I think I’ve had an account for a few months, but I’m just now getting around to posting. This site has provided a lot of great information. For myself, reading about others experiences makes me aware of potential issues or proper protocols. I’ve been using various PEDs on and off for about 10-12 years and found out what works best for me and what doesn’t. I’ve been considering switching it up now that I’m getting older and not the young, strapping baseball player I used to be. This site has provided invaluable information.
Hello everyone! I’m fairly new here. I think I’ve had an account for a few months, but I’m just now getting around to posting. This site has provided a lot of great information. For myself, reading about others experiences makes me aware of potential issues or proper protocols. I’ve been using various PEDs on and off for about 10-12 years and found out what works best for me and what doesn’t. I’ve been considering switching it up now that I’m getting older and not the young, strapping baseball player I used to be. This site has provided invaluable information.
Welcome bro, I definetly would want to hear about some of your PED use.
Did you have a favorite compound?
favorite cycle?
what did you use harm mitigation on these cycles?
What were the side effects if any?
And ofcourse you could share some pictures with the progress if you have them