finally this pct worked for me

Hey guys just wanted to help those who couldn't recover from steroid use... I used steroids and was unable to recover after multiple pcts... Clomid, nolvadex, hcg used it all but nothing worked, my estrogen was high and test was low got off for 2 years still didn't recover, so this new doc started me on a test enanthate only 250mg a week, then my estrogen was not getting under control even with arimidex, started letrozole lol.. Also he put me on hcg, vitamin c, e, b6, finally estrogen was in control and suddenly libido was back crazy, did this for 9 months then he told me to get off slowly. So I tapered slowly and he prescribed hcg, hmg for one month then added letrozole again plus hcg, hmg one more month. Used half tab a week of letrozole and in the last week he said only use hmg and leterozole, then I got off everything and he just gave me a herbal medicine which had tribulus, selenium, l opti zinc, and vitamin e took that for 2 months and then told me to stop and wait.... My estrogen was a little low at this point on lab tests... Suddenly in a span of 2 weeks balls got bigger and libido came back after 1 month repeat labs revealed that I have recovered and sperm count is high.
Come back to us in 6 months after having been clean.

But, many endos use long-term hcg as you describe.