Finally tried delt&glute injection


New Member
So I've always injected in my glute as I've never had the courage to try any other sites.

I briefly tried a month or so ago in my quad and absolutely bricked it half way through putting the needle in.
We'll today I done my normal glute injection and thought I need to pluck the courage and drawer up .5ml.

First I tried my delt using the hanging arm method and it was smooth as anything apart from the odd shake in my hand. Then switched needles and then tried my quad which again was absolutely painless.
Only done .25ml in each muscle but I can finally say I've tried different sites!
I used 25g 1" on both sites needle all the way in and used test c. If the pip is good then I may start switching sites instead of always in the glutes!

Just thought I'd say with you guys!
You have to start somewhere. The only people I've known who weren't afraid of needles out the gate were iv drug users.
Just done 1ml in my quad and now I'm beating myself up that I've never pinned quads before and only glutes. So much easier and more comfortable while doing it!

How much do you guys pin in quads? How often do use pin? Atm I'm only doing 1ml test c per week but soon will be 2ml and some npp too so injection frequency and amount is going to go up so just wondering.
I liked quads first time i hit them. Worked great for a few weeks then i hit something that hurt like i bitch so bad i had to remove a restick. Was limping for 3 days after. Haven’t gone there again since but id like to if i can figure out what i did wrong.
Next time try lats! Best site ever.
You have to start somewhere. The only people I've known who weren't afraid of needles out the gate were iv drug users.

I still to this day don't know how I ever managed to pin myself the first time back in the day. I was that guy that used to pass out just getting my blood drawn or getting immunized. Mom/wife/whoever used to have to hold my hand and distract me.
Just done 1ml in my quad and now I'm beating myself up that I've never pinned quads before and only glutes. So much easier and more comfortable while doing it!

How much do you guys pin in quads? How often do use pin? Atm I'm only doing 1ml test c per week but soon will be 2ml and some npp too so injection frequency and amount is going to go up so just wondering.
Among other sites, I use 6 sites per quad, side lateral lower, middle, upper and 3 sites on top of the quad. along with delts, each one 3 different locations per delt (smaller volume though). And I forgot, also both VMO, so actually 8 sites per quad. And I track every injection on a calendar.
Today I've woke up with some pip in my leg. Hopefully doesn't last long and eases off! Any tips to make it go quicker?
I liked quads first time i hit them. Worked great for a few weeks then i hit something that hurt like i bitch so bad i had to remove a restick. Was limping for 3 days after. Haven’t gone there again since but id like to if i can figure out what i did wrong.
Ya this may have happened to me. I just feel some mild pain. I don’t think I’ll be limping. I just put the needle in and must have hit something sensitive and i was like ow wtf and I took it out and it fell on the ground so I changed out the needle and second attempt was pretty smooth. Dunno which injection is what actually is causing the soreness. I think next time I’m going to bend my knee a little so the muscle pops out a little more.

I did delts before but you know I’m kinda worried the needle will go straight through me since I’m not really that big. Its a 1 inch needle. Or if I injected into the pec that sounds fucking scary. I like the glutes but sometimes wonder if I even injected into the muscle or just my fat ass because I never felt much pain or soreness. Certainly not like this quad. I’m probably just gonna rotate glutes, quads and delts. Bicep looks like it could be alright too. Sometimes Sub-Q hCG on my belly will bruise a little. I would rather inject into my glutes fat.
You have to start somewhere. The only people I've known who weren't afraid of needles out the gate were iv drug users.
Never a drug user, never afraid of needles or bleeding. Did my research, first glutes, then vg, delts and thighs. Pecs were last and that's when I was running out or real estate when I was a heavy user

Now I just rotate tri-weekly between 8 sites e3d