Finger prick blood testing


Guys, I live in NY state and cannot used the online blood testing sites. Does anyone have experience with finger prick tests done through the mail? Are they consistent enough to use pre, mid, and post cycle?

Here is the one I am looking at:

LifeExtension Basic Hormone Panel

It does:
Free and Total Testosterone

Edit: It costs $65 with a 10% off code I found online.
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I actually really trust finger prick blood tests.

It was a finger prick blood test that diagnosed my hypothyroidism. The numbers for test, TSH, T4 ect where practically the same on the finger prick test as they showed on the venous blood test that my dpctor ordered. Apparently docs over here can't accept patient submitted blood results in the UK.
This test sounds like a quick and dirty basic test and if that's all you are able to get in your area then at least you can get a rough idea where things stand. Finger pricks just draw a teeny tiny sample unlike the standard blood draws but nowadays the testing techniques can ascertain values from such a very tiny blood sample. As for consistency not sure about how consistent results be from time to time.

Have you tried ordering this kit in your state yet?
Have you tried ordering this kit in your state yet?

Not yet, it is available though. They also offer a more comprehensive test but that test is also more expensive. For the price they are asking I would be better off going to my doctor. I would like to use this one to monitor my T and E levels for a cycle.

I will be ordering it soon.
Keep us posted on how the finger prick test goes, I always thought they were scams.

Good documentary on Theranos the big company that rolled them out and scammed a bunch of people: