First batch of Test C. My process, tips appreciated!


New Member
Hey all, new poster here. I've lurked these forums an awful long time.

I did my first homebrew of test cyp last night for my own personal TRT. (52yo @ 283/7) Getting any type of therapy here on the low end of normal (wtf does that even mean) is nearly impossible, so I decided I'll be my own best advocate. Wanted to share with you my process, be it right/wrong/sideways/whatever. I'm here to learn what I could have done better/worse/easier/harder from all of you.

This process was for 50ml @200mg/ml. Hope my math was right.

There are also a few things I've learned during the process that would make this easier the next time around. Hindsight and all that.

My first step was sourcing the raw. I started this journey months ago until I felt comfortable with a distributor, there are SO many scammers, BS artists, and thieves out there. When ordering, for some reason I thought more was better, and eventually, I ended up with a fair amount in my mailbox (way too much). The melt test was right on point @ 210-212F

Here is the list of the goods I purchased to get the job done:
*A kilo of powder
*Small midrange hotplate/stirrer with a probe post
*Digital candy thermometer
*Scientific glassware low form beakers
*Digital Scale
*PES .22um Luer lock syringe filters
*60ml Luer lock syringes (more on this later)
*Sterile pre-sealed 10ml self-healing vials
*18g Luer lock needles (not used)

I had some 3ml syringes w/22g needles on hand as well as some 28g needles.

I cleaned and sanitized my equipment and work area, put a large hepa filter in the room, and worked under a huge sterilite clear tote that had two 6" holes cut into it for my arms. I practiced an over-the-top personal hygiene routine, then masked and gloved up before re-entering the area. I have a spray bottle filled with 70% IPA on hand for this whole process. We can't really say "sterilize" here as that involves WAY MORE than soap, bleach, and alcohol (IPA).

The formulation:
10.5g Test C raw (just a touch OD'd)
31.3ml MCT Oil
9ml BB
.75ml BA

Here we go:
*Add 31.3ml of MCT oil to my beaker and fire up the hotplate @150f and the stirrer at a very low speed.
*Waited for oil to hit 150f and added 10.5g of raw.
*Kept stirring until emulsified (a few minutes) then added 9ml of BB and gave the stirrer a little more power.
*Timed this stir for 15 minutes and turned off the hotplate when I couldn't see any crystals whatsoever. When the temp was at 130f I added .75ml of BA, and continued to stir for 15 minutes.
*Prepped a 100ml breaker for the reception. Drew up the solution in the 60ml syringe, added my PES filter, and proceeded to punish my hands, wrist, and fingers for the next 5-10 minutes.

I re-gloved and sprayed down my gloves/arms with IPA every time my hands entered my makeshift hood.

*Popped the caps on 5x10ml vials and inserted a 28g needle into the sides of the SHIPs.
*Drew up the solution and overfilled a 3ml syringe (this was a learning moment) and proceeded to fill vials with a 22g needle, being careful with injection placement.
*Removed the 28g needles from the vials, wiped all the bottles down with IPA and cleaned up my work area.

*I need some 10ml Luer syringes. I've worked in the medical field for some time, and have dosed lots of medicine, but filling a 3ml syringe 3x for the BB was a little sketch, as well as puncturing the vials 3x each to fill.
*I need to calculate 2-3ml of over-waste into every batch I do from now on. (filter and glassware)
*I will never use a 60ml syringe for anything other than oil measurement, as I would guess all of that filtering strain was 80% sidewall pressure.
*I should definitely preheat my plate.

This batch should last me for quite some time, though I have no idea what I'm going to do with this much raw. Anyhow, comments, tips, or "you fucked up" are welcome here! Here is the finished dealio...
I thought I would muscle through all my shit too… just get a caulking gun for the 60mL syringe. It’s far superior to using your hands
I thought I would muscle through all my shit too… just get a caulking gun for the 60mL syringe. It’s far superior to using your hands
That is an excellent idea! I have no idea how I would fit a caulking gun under my cleaning hood though. I'll figure it out for the next batch for sure!
That's awesome, man! Looks like a success, to my noob eyes lol
I've been researching and lurking around as well for a few months, still getting comfortable as you mentioned. Good luck, I'll be following along.
Disposable vacuum filter is super easy but no need to waist it on this volume of product. Be sure to cool your brew to room temperature prior to filtration. The heat can affect the filter strength under pressure. If you are doing this for personal use, buy larger volume vials. No need to have all those little vials around. Otherwise everything else looks great!!
I cleaned and sanitized my equipment and work area, put a large hepa filter in the room, and worked under a huge sterilite clear tote that had two 6" holes cut into it for my arms. I practiced an over-the-top personal hygiene routine, then masked and gloved up before re-entering the area. I have a spray bottle filled with 70% IPA on hand for this whole process.
If you don't mind, please share pictures of the setup. I'm planning on a setup for brewing oils. If you don't wanna share it here, please PM it. Thank you in advance