First Cycle 500 Test


New Member
500test E has been kicked in for the last 2 weeks. My strength has gone up an insane amount. I gained 25 lbs over a month of the Ester loading and lost 10 of it recently (Presumably test bloat) however am the strongest i’ve ever been. I’ve gained 10 lbs on incline dumbell and went up plates on chest and back machines. I plan to cruise on 200mg for 6 weeks make sure i’m healthy and start 300 primo as well. Got my bloods done recently and all is in range except my test levels xD
Can you explain what a month of ester loading is? Do you mean you front loaded larger doses for the first month? And what do you mean 500mg has kicked in in the last 2 weeks?
Can you explain what a month of ester loading is? Do you mean you front loaded larger doses for the first month? And what do you mean 500mg has kicked in in the last 2 weeks?
Sorry i meant the Enanthate typically takes 4-6 weeks to feel it, and 2 weeks ago it hit the 4 week mark and I began to feel the strength and all. I have 10 weeks left of 500mgs, back down to 200mgs for 6 weeks and then back to my second cycle.

I used methenolone from Hilma all last summer.I did not rise above 400 mg. This summer I will use 600 + test E 500 and probably there will be 150 more parabolans. In general, the more primo the better. You can't spoil porridge with butter. If finances allow, do 600 mg each

I used methenolone from Hilma all last summer.I did not rise above 400 mg. This summer I will use 600 + test E 500 and probably there will be 150 more parabolans. In general, the more primo the better. You can't spoil porridge with butter. If finances allow, do 600 mg each
I’m doing 500 test 400 primo 18 weeks and kickstarting with superdrol