First cycle after long, Test/Primo/Hgh


New Member
Hi fellas,

I’m coming back on this track after some years natty. I’m 32yo 172cm 67kg 17%bf training for more than 15years at least 5days a week.
Feeling not many gains lately so I’m starting 12 weeks cycle:

- 300mg per week testo prop eod
- 300mg per week primo in 2 takes
- Hgh increasing 2Ui for first month, 2.5 second, 3 at three until at least 6 months up to 3-4ui because my goal is more for anti-aging, smooth skin, good rest, mood and reduce some BF.

Between week 5 to 8 will jump from testo propio to enantate and then finish with propio again.

My goal is to feel much more strength and pump, give me some progression and change a bit my body composition in terms of cut. I like ripped body instead very big.

My diet is normo to 300 deficit calories.
I do 45 minutes of cardio 2-3 times per week.
Fasting 16/8

I know testo is quite low but my goal is more to TRT and keep my levels while using Primo.

Do you think I should take bit more Primo?

I’m thinking about add some HCG during Intra cycle and of course a good PCT after.
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I think you have room to increase the test because of the primo, but only your blood work will tell. Do you mind posting a pic so we can see you at the start compared to the end of the cycle? Only if you’re comfortable of course.
thanks for the advice Metribolone. I will post some pics about the progress soon.

I did some blood test on week 3 and everything seems to be ok, just vitaminB bit high and of course testo increased a lot what means product is legitimate. In this case I’m having from Cat cafe.

My BF reduced about 2-3% even gaining 1-2kg so I’m happy with the look.
Energy is nice, feeling I can train harder and longer, did PR in most of big exercises, felt my shoulders full at last workouts.

I added some Omega3 and magnesium as supplement.

I have to order soon more primo. Should I stay with it or anyone recommend DHB as complementary to Test?


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thanks for the advice Metribolone. I will post some pics about the progress soon.

I did some blood test on week 3 and everything seems to be ok, just vitaminB bit high and of course testo increased a lot what means product is legitimate. In this case I’m having from Cat cafe.

My BF reduced about 2-3% even gaining 1-2kg so I’m happy with the look.
Energy is nice, feeling I can train harder and longer, did PR in most of big exercises, felt my shoulders full at last workouts.

I added some Omega3 and magnesium as supplement.

I have to order soon more primo. Should I stay with it or anyone recommend DHB as complementary to Test?
Did your blood test have estrogen levels?
29.5 After 4 week on:

- 300mg Test propio EOD from Liska
- 300mg Primo from Liska
- 2UI HGH morning fasted from QSC

I increased on levels of strength in all exercises. Feeling like I can train more than ever and recovered super fast.

Not any sides about mood, but better sleep quality. My sex mood has also increased a lot.

I gained 1Kg and reduced my BG considerably like 4%.

My actual routine is:

- 6daysxweek lifts
- 2-3daysxweek cardio 30-45' (1 fasting, 2 mid day)
- Normo diet in 2000Cal (50Carbs-30prot-20fats macros)
- Omega3+Vitamins+Garlic oil+creatine+magnesium

I'm really happy with the results, It's not a huge change but my body is being recompose with good quality muscle gains and reducing my BF. I hope in 6 weeks I will be on my peak look.

I'm thinking about to change from Primo to DHB because It's easy to me to get it now, and it's also a safe compound and good to gain lean muscle and get shaped. The only con is maybe the PIP, but I'm reading about lower dose and warm the oil is nice to use it.
Also from Test prop to E to use a longer ester.

What do you think fellas?
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