First cycle of Anadrol. Help!


New Member
I been on TRT from about 5 months, 100mg test twice a week But I want to run oral component with it for my first cycle.
And I have some question. Please help...
Can I just run the same dose of 100mg test twice a week for first 2 weeks and Start week 3 with Anadrol 50–100 mg ED for 6 weeks cycle.
-Is my test dose too low? Do I need to run 300mg or higher a week?

I see lot of anadrol cycle have Deca with it. Could I do this cycle without Deca? or I will get more benefit to run it with Deca?
Also I read to run Nolvadex 10mg with the Anandrol cycle to fight gyno. Do I just wait to see the side effect and take it or just take some every day regardless?

Also can I just cruise with test 100mg twice a week after the Anadrol cycle? Because Im on TRT is this correct?

Thanks in advance
What's your stats, training, nutrition and cycle history?
I not sure what stats mean...
But I train about 6x a week for about an hour with 10mins of cardio.
5' 11 220ish pounds I would say Im about 20%BF.
I eat pretty clean. Just with test I lost some BF got little lean and definitely put on some size, and strength also went up.
No other cycle. Just been on TRT for about 5 months now.
I not sure what stats mean...
But I train about 6x a week for about an hour with 10mins of cardio.
5' 11 220ish pounds I would say Im about 20%BF.
I eat pretty clean. Just with test I lost some BF got little lean and definitely put on some size, and strength also went up.
No other cycle. Just been on TRT for about 5 months now.
Stay with your trt for a few more months and then do a proper cycle. In that time span nail your nutrition (weight you food) and nail your training (keep a log and try to do better being adding weight or reps in each time you train a muscle).

PEDs are the cherry on top when it comes to weightlifting. Your first cycle should just be more test, say 350mg/week no other anabolics involved. This will allow you to access your aromatization level and how to properly manage it.
I agree with above ^^ but also not the end of the world if you do run something, which chances are if you’re posting here you’ve already made your mind up …. Which is fine, you’ll only take so much advice online, at a certain point you need to just try it and see if your body responds and you’re ready …. Personally I’d start the anadrol straight away and run it at the beggining instead of the middle of the cycle, it’s a little heavy on the liver and kidneys too, so maybe run 50 for 1-3 weeks and then 100 for week 3-6 but keep your test higher and only up the anadrol if you stop seeing results, might be worth having some nolva on hand aswell

If first oral cycle aswell be careful of appetite suppression aswell, I can’t eat for fuck all on dbol ( but fine on anadrol ) and the cycle becomes pointless because you can’t get food down, remember don’t take anadrol with food either, it’s fat soluable
I been on TRT from about 5 months, 100mg test twice a week But I want to run oral component with it for my first cycle.
And I have some question. Please help...
Can I just run the same dose of 100mg test twice a week for first 2 weeks and Start week 3 with Anadrol 50–100 mg ED for 6 weeks cycle.
-Is my test dose too low? Do I need to run 300mg or higher a week?

I see lot of anadrol cycle have Deca with it. Could I do this cycle without Deca? or I will get more benefit to run it with Deca?
Also I read to run Nolvadex 10mg with the Anandrol cycle to fight gyno. Do I just wait to see the side effect and take it or just take some every day regardless?

Also can I just cruise with test 100mg twice a week after the Anadrol cycle? Because Im on TRT is this correct?

Thanks in advance
Whats your body weight?