First Infection in 2 Years


New Member
I've been BNC for 2 years now and got my first infection. Just sharing that if you think it's infected don't wait. 3 days after injection it was clear, hard, red, painful. Usually pip is going down on day 3, not at it's worst. Since this is a harm reduction forum I wanted to share this experience. I went to the hospital and was prescribed cefixime (antibiotic pill). I was prescribed 200mg twice a day for a week.
I made it to the hospital on the 5th day and it had only continued to get more swollen/harder/redder up until that point. I'm not saying PIP doesn't last longer than 3 days, I'm just saying in my experience it hasn't continued to get worse past day 3. For those of you who have had an infection, how would you differentiate the two, PIP vs infection?
In my case it was dirty gear. I'd still be interested in hearing more examples of people differentiating between PIP, allergic reaction, and infection.
I made it to the hospital on the 5th day and it had only continued to get more swollen/harder/redder up until that point. I'm not saying PIP doesn't last longer than 3 days, I'm just saying in my experience it hasn't continued to get worse past day 3. For those of you who have had an infection, how would you differentiate the two, PIP vs infection?

I used to get the worst PIP about 2 years ago when that bad batch of test e was going around.
Never had an infection so can't compare but my pip would last 4+ days and tissue around the injection site would be swollen, red and warm to touch.

what gear are you using????
A test/tren/mast blend. Used some of the vials I got and was about 1.5 months in when I got the infection, had to throw the stuff away.
I’ve never had an infection. But I have had my leg looked like I got worked on with a baseball bat when I pinned some test500.

I’m interested that you’re equating a “hard” quality to the area with a likely infection. I always thought “squishy” was more an indication of infection, as that was basically puss being generated sub dermal in response.


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