First time Deca


New Member
Coming to the end of 10 week cycle of 20mg ED Dbol (8 weeks), 200mg Mast E and 250mg Test E

Will continue with the Mast E at 200mg and switch to Test C and do 500mg, will add Deca but want to start low at 150mg, will this be ok for 10 weeks or does Deca need to be ran longer?

If so I may do the above dosage and after 10 weeks up the Deca to 300mg, thoughts?
150 deca is pretty close to hrt dose and yes it needs to be run for longer than 10 weeks
But more important question is why are you perma blasting?
Coming to the end of 10 week cycle of 20mg ED Dbol (8 weeks), 200mg Mast E and 250mg Test E

Will continue with the Mast E at 200mg and switch to Test C and do 500mg, will add Deca but want to start low at 150mg, will this be ok for 10 weeks or does Deca need to be ran longer?

If so I may do the above dosage and after 10 weeks up the Deca to 300mg, thoughts?
Test 500, Deca 400 or Test 400 and Deca 300.
I'd run it for at least 12 weeks but if your blood work is looking good I'd run deca for 16 weeks.
150 deca is pretty close to hrt dose and yes it needs to be run for longer than 10 weeks
But more important question is why are you perma blasting?
Yea I thought it might be too low, I have severe anemia that doesn't respond to any treatment and I can no longer get blood transfusions regularly and they don't do much anyway so being on cycle is the only thing that keeps my hemoglobin more elevated
Test 500, Deca 400 or Test 400 and Deca 300.
I'd run it for at least 12 weeks but if your blood work is looking good I'd run deca for 16 weeks.
Thanks yes was thinking it needed to be 16 weeks but thought I would do 10 weeks of Deca at 150 but as Leg_Locker pointed out it is a low dose, would you suggest I don't continue the Mast E I was going to run the last vial for 10 weeks at 200mg
Thanks yes was thinking it needed to be 16 weeks but thought I would do 10 weeks of Deca at 150 but as Leg_Locker pointed out it is a low dose, would you suggest I don't continue the Mast E I was going to run the last vial for 10 weeks at 200mg
Im not a big fan of Masteron, the look at low body fat is shitty and fake looking imo, I look better off of it, I'd save it for a competition or prep if you really like the look you get from it.

Yeah, if youre cool with running lower compounds I'd really recommend 200-300 test with 100-200 Deca (just keep test higher than Deca to reduce any sides) I personally won't rock Deca higher than 100-200 max, otherwise I blow up with water. 100-200 is perfect for small strength gains and just enough water for your joints.

Edit: mast with tren is amazing for drying out fast, besides that it sucks
Im not a big fan of Masteron, the look at low body fat is shitty and fake looking imo, I look better off of it, I'd save it for a competition or prep if you really like the look you get from it.

Yeah, if youre cool with running lower compounds I'd really recommend 200-300 test with 100-200 Deca (just keep test higher than Deca to reduce any sides) I personally won't rock Deca higher than 100-200 max, otherwise I blow up with water. 100-200 is perfect for small strength gains and just enough water for your joints.

Edit: mast with tren is amazing for drying out fast, besides that it sucks
I kind of regret using Mast with the Dbol I feel it's been a wasted cycle it's as though the Dbol hasn't put size on but my strength went up. I look more defined just not as big as previous Dbol cycles. I will leave the Mast then and continue with the Test at 500 and Deca below 300 for first few weeks and see how I go on it

What would you suggest at the end of 16 weeks, take a break and just run low test at 200mg or use something else too?
Deca is one of my fav compounds almost always run it 1:1 iv done cycles from 300-600mg/w never had any problems with water. Currently cruise on 150 test/120 deca.
Sucks to hear about ur anemia maybe try EQ down the road
What would you suggest at the end of 16 weeks, take a break and just run low test at 200mg or use something else too?
I would for sure drop down to just a trt dose and give it a few months I only do maybe 1-2 cycles a year and they are low dose nowadays
I take it you get your bloodwork done so go based off that how long you need off
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Takes 5 weeks to reach steady state so 10 weeks would be kind of a waste
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Coming to the end of 10 week cycle of 20mg ED Dbol (8 weeks), 200mg Mast E and 250mg Test E

Will continue with the Mast E at 200mg and switch to Test C and do 500mg, will add Deca but want to start low at 150mg, will this be ok for 10 weeks or does Deca need to be ran longer?

If so I may do the above dosage and after 10 weeks up the Deca to 300mg, thoughts?
Definitely get up to 300 mg and that’s good for 10 weeks I would keep the mast enth in too and probably at 300-375mg that’s like a cycle I run with 500mg of test enth but I like to run dhb instead of deca…good shit bro eat eat eat! Eat more
I tried EQ but got really bad painful lumps after every injection and my blood didn't rise off it, I also saw little benefit but would be willing to try again at some point

Regarding the painful lumps, I am currently getting it with the Test E no matter where I pin or how much but the Mast is fine and supposedly same carrier oil

I am currently doing .2ml daily with it to lower the risk of lumps, I do .1ml in each side of where I am pinning but still get lumps unfortunately but they're bearable
Definitely get up to 300 mg and that’s good for 10 weeks I would keep the mast enth in too and probably at 300-375mg that’s like a cycle I run with 500mg of test enth but I like to run dhb instead of deca…good shit bro eat eat eat! Eat more
Yes that's the plan with the Deca I will just see how I go with it low at first, never looked in to dhb maybe that's something down the line at some point

Ideally I would love to get old of epo to raise my blood but had no luck so far
I kind of regret using Mast with the Dbol I feel it's been a wasted cycle it's as though the Dbol hasn't put size on but my strength went up. I look more defined just not as big as previous Dbol cycles. I will leave the Mast then and continue with the Test at 500 and Deca below 300 for first few weeks and see how I go on it

What would you suggest at the end of 16 weeks, take a break and just run low test at 200mg or use something else too?
Nice, I'd do 500 test and 400 Deca for a picture perfect blast, 16 weeks.
After the blast Test at 150-200 for sure, I definitely wouldn't add anything on besides test.
Dbol isnt the best oral either, way better gains from Anavar or anadrol.
Nice, I'd do 500 test and 400 Deca for a picture perfect blast, 16 weeks.
After the blast Test at 150-200 for sure, I definitely wouldn't add anything on besides test.
Dbol isnt the best oral either, way better gains from Anavar or anadrol.
I'v got anadrol here but the gyno blew up after a few days so stopped it, I'l wait a while before using them up give my liver a long break

What's thoughts on Liv52 been meaning to make a post about it as I am seeing people say to use after an oral cycle as it supposedly coats the liver and stops absorption, I'v been using a gram of Tudca at night
10 weeks is a bit short, but if you front load you can hit steady state a in a little over a week.


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10 weeks is a bit short, but if you front load you can hit steady state a in a little over a week.
I'm about to do my first injection of Deca now, I am starting at 150 for a short while but will almost certainly up it to 300, can you tell me what front loading means and is it correct Deca needs to be done every other day ?
I'm about to do my first injection of Deca now, I am starting at 150 for a short while but will almost certainly up it to 300, can you tell me what front loading means and is it correct Deca needs to be done every other day ?
I think you should do a little more research before injecting nandrolone, if you don’t know the injection frequency of the ester you choose. But I’ve asked dumb questions too and the guys here help me out. So here you go.
Front loading is a term used on long ester compounds EQ, Deca(not NPP) and test U. Typical dosing is 2x the chosen weekly dose the first week, than normal dosing the following weeks. Example week 1 deca @300 2 shots a week. Week 2-16 deca @150 2 shots a week. This will get you at steady levels in just about a week. Use steriod plotter to see how it works for what you’re trying to accomplish.
Deca does not need to be shot EOD the NPP ester does need to be shot at least mon/wed/fri it has a 2.7 day half life.
I think you should do a little more research before injecting nandrolone, if you don’t know the injection frequency of the ester you choose. But I’ve asked dumb questions too and the guys here help me out. So here you go.
Front loading is a term used on long ester compounds EQ, Deca(not NPP) and test U. Typical dosing is 2x the chosen weekly dose the first week, than normal dosing the following weeks. Example week 1 deca @300 2 shots a week. Week 2-16 deca @150 2 shots a week. This will get you at steady levels in just about a week. Use steriod plotter to see how it works for what you’re trying to accomplish.
Deca does not need to be shot EOD the NPP ester does need to be shot at least mon/wed/fri it has a 2.7 day half life.
Thank you and I don't mind being called out on asking stupid questions, we all have to learn somewhere and as I said it's what i'v read but yes maybe I should of done more research but was also told the same off a friend

Ok so I did 75mg today and was going to do the same on Saturday, how can I correct this now should I do another 75mg today and then 150 Saturday before doing the 150mg from Monday, all advice is m uch appreciated thanks