Flexing my Introduction: A Newbie Hello


New Member
I hope you're crushing it in the gym and making gains every day! I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself before I start contributing to the community here.

Fitness has been my passion for as long as I can remember. I started strength training when I was a teenager, and it helped me build the confidence and discipline that are essential for bodybuilding success. Though I took a break from lifting for a few years (covid, life,etc) I recently rediscovered my love for lifting and have been hitting the iron hard.

I know that supplements can only take you so far, and until recently I've never used anything more substantial than over-the-counter supplements. However, I've been educating myself about different compounds and their interaction to ensure I'm maximizing my training and nutrition.

I'm pumped to be part of this community and I look forward to learning from others and sharing my own experiences.
Stay strong