Fortune favors the brave - Legends Test Enanthate/Prop, Dianabol review:

kosta jeezy

New Member
Fortune favors the brave - Legends Test Enanthate/Prop, Dianabol review:


This is a short history and review with blood work for 4 week span to include Blood Work of total testosterone level. Several months back the Legends brand came into question since they are quite new. I opted to make a purchase and run the gear for the board.

Legends testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml Testosterone Prop 100mg/ml & Dianabol 10mg was used.

At time of lab blood work the Legends Testosterone Enanthane / prop / dianabol was the only substance used. No sarms, no P.H.s, No Orals, we're used on the cycle that would further adjust the levels during the blood lab.

* I have no affiliation with the company and was doing them no favors or such. Nore do I owe a favored or good review of any kind. This is my honest word on their product *

Shipping : was a wait since I ordered during the Chinese New Year
In which no body in China ships during, but once it was shipped it arrives from China in 8 days. Note* I requested some Anavar to share with some forum members, which I had already gave out, and the shipping was only 3 days express! Upon looking into the company as I started the gear I found this was common for Legends to do now. Impressive in my book! Beats some domestic shipping!

Cycle set:
Test Enanthate 400mg twice a week [mon/thurs] injections.
Test Prop 150mg EOD injections
Dianabol 60mg ED (after build up)

23gauge needle draw 25gauge pin
I am also taking an AI of anastrozole every three days.
N2guard and hcgenerate.

History Of Cycle:

4 weeks before blood was drawn for lab work I was on a Black Widow Labs Testosterone Enanthate / Tren Enanthate blend cycle : review name: Fortune Favors The Brave - Black Widow Labs Testosterone Enanthate Tren Enanthate Review Log. which was a continued enanthate cycle from Purity Source Labs Test Enanthate.

Injections of Enanthate/ prop were
mixed into he same syringe and
were pinned in a rotation of left and right glutes. The prop only injections were pinned in delts and quads.
The Injections were clean and smooth, and had very min pip. *Note
I dont get pip often but i think this may caused from the test Enanthate, as it seems that most raws at this current time period has a substance that has been causing pip across the board. [but this is a unconfirmed statement!] I took the dianabol twice a day (20mg am, 40mg pwo) for the first two weeks. Each day through out the first two weeks I could feel the pumps increasing. At some points I would get back pump just from normal movement. Other times I would jog 30 feet, and my legs would instantly pump up, and I would feel as if my pants my split at the seams.
Then for week three I experimented and did 60mg all pwo. The pump became harsh. My normal work outs would be 2-3 hours long before I give in to the muscle being expelled. When taking the full dose all half an hour to a hour pre work out, I would get pumps so bad i had to switch muscle groups, and soon after stop my work out all together, due to my whole body would be pounding and i felt rock solid. Mind you I get these same effects off any other legit dbol. I ran a different companies dianabol two weeks prior to allow myself a comparative attitude to the Legends product I was about to begin. The effects were spot on the same. Week four I switched back to split doses of the am/pm.

Side Effects:

The injections themselves caused light pip but was gone completely within 12 hours (or less), pip is nothing harsh at all. I also think the oil carrier is EO which is a substance I hardly ever use in my system. I think this may have caused some mild breaking out.
The dianabol caused some very light bloat. Light bloat is normal for me when using dbol. No matter what brand it's never truly excessive. It also caused slight dehydration at first, most likely do to more use of water retention.

Lab Work:

Week four on Monday morning before any injection, supplements and no AIs taken, and no dianabol was ingested,
I had my blood drawn at my local Lab Corp.

The results were received Thursday evening , with the following total testosterone level of: 8250.0dl.


Final results show that Legends brand stands true to the grinding stone as being legit testosterone product. I was a little surprised by the number as i expected it to be a higher ng/dl. But the blood labs to show that the gear is dosed at close to normal concentrations. Although my understanding of use with dianabol can have some effect in the outcome of the lab numbers. As many other issues such as the AI which I feel has been off lately based on body behavior.

These Legends products are
good to go, and i requimend anyone looking to use them that they are good in communication, shipping and product.
I felt a lot of power on this product. Strong pumps, great gains, bloat was low and stayed leaned, had nice vascularity, i ate a ton, as my appetite was crazy strong to dianabol. There was a nice increase in size (probably mainly water retention, but I felt great in the gym, with pride and power!

The prices of Legends gear is unbeatable. And although they are a domestic company they make sure the package makes it to you.

If you have any other questions on the Legends brand feel free to message me.

Thank You,
Kosta J

*as posted on my other regular forum (Evo) I'm sorry for the delay in posting this as I have been preparing for a international move and finishing up doing work out of town and what not where I left my computer behind with this log.
I posted my labs from legend a few weeks ago, they where just trt doses but came back slightly higher then what I had been getting from my dr. I started using getm because of all the bad stuff I was hearing and fears of stuff coming from China but will prob switch back. Seems like he just isnt part of the in crowd and so he doesnt get the benefit of the doubt that some others get(and maybe rightfully so being new). I know I was shocked when I got my gear in 7 days coming from China.
This guy is a shill !!! I got fake gear period 42 post all about legend really me so members are smarter than that you read like a bad infomercial who bout you give me my money back and I'll send you legend garbage gear domestic shipping what a deal you paid shill... I'm suprised none of the regulars tore you a new one..