freinds rhein labs results


New Member
My Rhein Results (while taking 5grams of Andro Gel per day)
E1 13 3-12
E2 4.7 0-7
E3 3.9 1-16
Total Estrogens 22 4-22
Testosterone 126 45-85
DHT 41 0-13
Androstanediol 366 48-578
Androstanedione 16 0-50
DHEA 195 5-1476
Androstenetriol (5-AT) 341 42-710
Androsterone (AN) 3597 798-4705
11b-OH Androsterone (OHAN) 1287 461-1692
Etiocholanolone (ET) 2400 689-3252
11b-OH Etiocholanolone (OHET) 248 134-1186
Progesterone Not Detected
Pregnanediol (PD) 128 32-501
5-Pregnenetriol (5-PT) 261 28-1062
Pregnenolone None Detected
Cortisone (E) 226 92-366
THE 3375 1365-5788
THB 128 32-238
5a-THB 450 135-588
THA 91 52-277
Cortisol (F) 133 35-168
THF 1744 942-2800
5a-THF 1607 796-2456
Aldosterone 9.2 (Normal Diet 6-25, Low Salt 17-44, High Salt 0-6)
T4 (FREE) 2.24 .31-2.01
T3 (FREE) 3.33 1.16-3.45

From these results I concluded
1. hes pissing out testosterone from the gel. I swtiched him over to cyp shots every 3 days 50 mgs
i had him start armidex .25 every 5 days, but with these new results I dropped it.
2. estrogen is clogging up receptor sites and kicking out the thyroid hormones. Hes fat and displays low thyroid. Hes ft4 and ft3 serum blood or just little under mid line
Since he has hidden hypothyroid from excessive estrogen i was thinking about preg cream but like me he would not absorb it.
3. cortisol looks good
4 prgesterone sucks hcg would help this ..100 ius a day
5. esterone is high - dim lower it

1. switch to cyp 50 mgs E3D with 100 ius of hcg a day drop armidex
2. dhea 25 mgs am and mid afteroon
3. Dim biopro150 -300mgs with TMG 500 BID. to lower total estrogens

Sounds good?