FSH, LH, & Prolactin questions.

My LH is 6.9 (1.7-8.6)
FSH is 2.6 (1.5-12.4)
Prolactin is at 32.7 (4.0-15.7)
Pregnenolone is 421 and adults are <150 normally (under 150)
Estradiol is @ 42.8 (7.6-42.6)
Free T is 14.5 (9.3-26.5)
TSH is at 2.78 (0.45-4.4)

My symptoms are, fatigue even after sufficient rest, low libido, weak erections, nervous butterfly feeling all the time in my stomach, anxiety, and increased body fat.
I know my testosterone level isnt very great in this pre cycle blood work but I just got off cycle and felt the same nervousness and same problems as before..Is pregnenolone the same as progesterone? Im about to get a brain MRI soon to rule out a pituitary tumor..thinking i need to try some caber? Not even sure what question I'm trying to ask I'm just kinda stuck. Anyone with knowledge who wants to check out my levels and shoot me a guess or some advice would be appreciated, thanks.
edit--this was my pre cycle test like i said and i hadnt been on any hormone altering substances for a couple years prior and had been fully recovered when this lab took place also no anti depressents etc.
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like 3 years after. and i bounced back after that cycle..plus it was only like a few weeks and i gave it up..so it shouldnt be affecting these bloods
Then I would suggest to go to your GP and have this checked out. These are not normal values and I would not go try and treat it myself with caber etc, it might be the course of action but do it under supervision of a specialist/your GP.

Pregnenolone is not the same as progesterone, pregnenolone is a precursor for basically all steroid hormones. Maybe conversion is hindered for whatever reason. But then again, visit your GP and discuss all this.
Then I would suggest to go to your GP and have this checked out. These are not normal values and I would not go try and treat it myself with caber etc, it might be the course of action but do it under supervision of a specialist/your GP.

Pregnenolone is not the same as progesterone, pregnenolone is a precursor for basically all steroid hormones. Maybe conversion is hindered for whatever reason. But then again, visit your GP and discuss all this.
your right yeah but its just depressing feeling like this and caber is so easy to attain plus gp's dont know much about hormones and specialist waits are forever..
also I notice your E2 is at the top end of the range, this together the Test being far from high can cause a lot of imbalance, more than prolactin IMHO

I had similar symptoms (but very severe, like no libido at all, I was sleeping 15-16 hours a day and was always sleepy, etc.) before starting TRT and my values were similar to yours in terms of PRL and E2, only my T was even lower than yours.

I fixed everything "simply" raising testosterone, so recreating more balance between T and E2
also I notice your E2 is at the top end of the range, this together the Test being far from high can cause a lot of imbalance, more than prolactin IMHO

I had similar symptoms (but very severe, like no libido at all, I was sleeping 15-16 hours a day and was always sleepy, etc.) before starting TRT and my values were similar to yours in terms of PRL and E2, only my T was even lower than yours.

I fixed everything "simply" raising testosterone, so recreating more balance between T and E2
another good reply but i have taken aromasin by itself on a couple occasions to test that theory and experimented with multiple doses each time..still felt the exact same..thats why im so confused..ALSO how was your LH and FSH looking pre trt? depending on what levels these are can determine if its secondary or primary hypogonadism..aka if its primary then pituitary tumor wasnt in the possibilities..and for it to be primary those numbers would usually be high as it indicates your brain is sending signals to your testicals to work right and they aren't..secondary is usually low (FSH, LH), at least from what ive read..
unless it turns out to be a tumor then it can shrink it..does p5p actually work well? my levels are only 32 so ...probably?
About a year ago when I really dove into caber v P5P, damn near every study I read said that P5P works as well as, if not better than, caber at reducing prolactin. I have always used it and never used caber, and my blood tests always have prolactin well within the “normal” range.

P5P is an active form of vitamin B6 and the prolactin control is self limiting, so you don’t have to worry about tanking your prolactin.

The “safe” dose seems to be anything all the way up to 1000mg/day. You should really only need 200-300mg/day for prolactin control though. I personally don’t see a need to push past 500 mg/day
another good reply but i have taken aromasin by itself on a couple occasions to test that theory and experimented with multiple doses each time..still felt the exact same..thats why im so confused..ALSO how was your LH and FSH looking pre trt? depending on what levels these are can determine if its secondary or primary hypogonadism..aka if its primary then pituitary tumor wasnt in the possibilities..and for it to be primary those numbers would usually be high as it indicates your brain is sending signals to your testicals to work right and they aren't..secondary is usually low (FSH, LH), at least from what ive read..
I just checked and both my LH ( 1.33) and FSH (2.88) were very low, very close to the lower limit

anyway before starting the trt the doctor asked me to use an AI too, everything went worse and I stopped it and started T injections; magically everything was fixed.

also note that my prolactin and E2 remained in the upper side of the range even during the following blood test, but all the symptoms were gone. So I didn't add any AI or other ancillaries to control prolactin
About a year ago when I really dove into caber v P5P, damn near every study I read said that P5P works as well as, if not better than, caber at reducing prolactin. I have always used it and never used caber, and my blood tests always have prolactin well within the “normal” range.
BUT what was your prolactin to begin with? Did you really need to lower it or you just took it as a just in case kind of thing? Im just asking because at a first glance it makes me think you lowered your prolactin from a relatable 30 ish to a 14 with P5P just by inferring ..which if thats the case I would be down to give P5P a try but if it only lowered it maybe 5 points max then I dont think I'm a candidate -what were your starting prl levels? ALSO what were your DHT levels..? If you remember..mine were like 32 with the low side being 30 in a range up to about 100
and I stopped it and started T injections; magically everything was fixed.
Super happy for you..glad it worked out..The only difference numbers wise I'm assuming is well none..The only thing I can think of was I'm having headache's behind the eyes and frontal skull towards the front top. (Which I've read is a pituitary problem symptom) Also I just got off cycle and controlled E like I said to no avail..(in terms of feeling better or better sex drive)..Only thing that remained to be untouched was prolactin..Besides T levels, E levels, and TSH (all contributing to low sex drive if out of whack) the only major candidate is PRL..I think?? I've yet to try caber..L dopa gives some relief but barely which is another reason I'm assuming here because it probably only lowered it a couple points..so..Im just super fucking depressed and been on the verge of going off the hinges, its been 5 years waking up with headaches tired as hell and no sex drive and I'm 23 I just feel like my best years are passing me by..Not to sound like a bitch but just probably saying it more for me and venting a bit. Can't talk to people IRL about this or they just assume "Low testosterone- little bitch" and its embarrassing. Supposed to get brain MRI within the next couple weeks and possibly try a caber dose. Will update. ;)
The only thing I can think of was I'm having headache's behind the eyes and frontal skull towards the front top
man, I had exactly the same for about 4 years before startring TRT, always on the left side going from the eye to the nose. I went to so many doctors and nobody ever solved anything. I reached the point I was basically living on painkillers because of these terrible migraines.

I remember exactly the date of the last episode I had, it was exactly the day after the 2nd Test injection... never had any other episode since
man, I had exactly the same for about 4 years before startring TRT, always on the left side going from the eye to the nose. I went to so many doctors and nobody ever solved anything. I reached the point I was basically living on painkillers because of these terrible migraines.

I remember exactly the date of the last episode I had, it was exactly the day after the 2nd Test injection... never had any other episode since
Damn lucky. I lost hope for that after like 3 weeks being on T my first time around a few years ago.. LOL its a bummer when you have ED and get your T and your lining up all the hos like "watch this shit" only to be like oh ya nevermind...Shit aint workin for meee
Damn lucky. I lost hope for that after like 3 weeks being on T my first time around a few years ago.. LOL its a bummer when you have ED and get your T and your lining up all the hos like "watch this shit" only to be like oh ya nevermind...Shit aint workin for meee
I can totally see your frustration. Maybbe the protocol you tried was not the right one for you. For example after various months, despite all the big improvements, I still was not completed dialed in, especially with libido, I tried changing dosage and frequency of injection and really took some time to find the sweet spot.

Incredibly the best libido for me is when the T is low. Now I'm getting 125mg/wk of Test E divided in tiny EOD injections. Much better libido compared to when I was getting 200; go figure

also consider 3 weeks is not nearly enough to get the benefits; my headaches disappeared immediately but the libido and morning woods took 5-6 weeks of injections to reappear
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I can totally see your frustration. Maybbe the protocol you tried was not the right one for you. For example after various months, despite all the big improvements, I still was not completed dialed in, especially with libido, I tried changing dosage and frequency of injection and really took some time to find the sweet spot.

Incredibly the best libido for me is when the T is low. Now I'm getting 125mg/wk of Test E divided in tiny EOD injections. Much better libido compared to when I was getting 200; go figure
Good point! I will update once I get the brain MRI results and or try my first ever dose of Caber .25MG once per week starting off (too hard to break pill into 1/8ths) lol but I look forward to giving all this another shot here in the next couple weeks maybe shit will look up. Just got dropped by a girl for my ED so super motivated lol ugggggggggh thanks for the good replies though ill keep you in the loop brotha.
BUT what was your prolactin to begin with? Did you really need to lower it or you just took it as a just in case kind of thing? Im just asking because at a first glance it makes me think you lowered your prolactin from a relatable 30 ish to a 14 with P5P just by inferring ..which if thats the case I would be down to give P5P a try but if it only lowered it maybe 5 points max then I dont think I'm a candidate -what were your starting prl levels? ALSO what were your DHT levels..? If you remember..mine were like 32 with the low side being 30 in a range up to about 100
My prolactin levels have never been an issue any time I’ve had them checked, BUT running band and tren for 10-12 weeks prior to my last blood draw (I was nearing the end of my cycle, but still on a pretty decent blast) my prolactin levels were in check. I can’t pull up the numbers right now to check them, but I know it’s never really been an issue for me.

Do whatever you wanna do. You’ve already gotten the recommendation of seeing your doc, which is really the only recommendation you need. I was just trying to give you a much safer and legal alternative to caber, which is backed by peer reviewed literature, and shown to be effective.


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