general conensus on tren/test dosages while CUTTING?


New Member
going to but on test/tren/mast this summer but not sure about dosages

either going to run 500 test e throughout, or 250mg, i heard both ways, but with 250mg is the less bloat noticeable? obviously diet is number one, but does it make that much of a difference between the two?
probably going to run since it's tri-tren



or 250/test
450mg tren
500 masteron

plus anavar later on in the cycle
I'm hoping you have ran a cycle before? And a cycle with tren? That's on the higher side for tren. Especially for a cut., For me at least. Dosages are kinda cycle length dependant. I would never hover close to 500 tren for 15 weeks for example, personally. How many weeks? Goal? Starting stats?
I'm hoping you have ran a cycle before? And a cycle with tren? That's on the higher side for tren. Especially for a cut., For me at least. Dosages are kinda cycle length dependant. I would never hover close to 500 tren for 15 weeks for example, personally. How many weeks? Goal? Starting stats?
I agree too high on tren. I am a lightweight on doses compared to many here.
If it were me on a cut, I would go with
350 mg test
200 mg tren
350 mg mast
400 tren 250 test 0 mast is working for me. Would be more like 300 tren if it was A due to ester weight.

I could have better libido adding mast but I don't consider it worth the extra injection, things are "good enough" currently.
I agree too high on tren. I am a lightweight on doses compared to many here.
If it were me on a cut, I would go with
350 mg test
200 mg tren
350 mg mast
My last cut was something like 350 test e, 150 tren e, winstrol 50 - 70 mg for 2 weeks. Dieted hard, good results.
Mast fucked with my prostate the 2 short times I tried to run it, wish I could handle it. Forgot the dose but it was on the lower end
For a cut you want to run just enough to preserve muscle mass but not enough to suffer from side effects. Cuts suck enough without adding trensomnia and a whole host of side effects to the mix.

I’d personally do like 250 test, 200 tren and 400 mast.

Unless you’re very large and already pretty lean, you could probably skip the tren entirely.
For a cut you want to run just enough to preserve muscle mass but not enough to suffer from side effects. Cuts suck enough without adding trensomnia and a whole host of side effects to the mix.

I’d personally do like 250 test, 200 tren and 400 mast.

Unless you’re very large and already pretty lean, you could probably skip the tren entirely.
Agreed. Dropping fat and holding muscle is a whole lot easier then trying to pack on muscle. My cut cycle are miniscule compared to a bulk. It does not take a whole lot to hold unless you're fucking jacked.
I do see what you mean, doing 2 Ml a week equals 100mg tren e a week, low. I dont run short esters so idk how 100mg tren a with 200mg of tren e plus hex. Isn't hex along the same half life as enanthate? But 3mls would bea 150E, 150hex, 150 ace. On paper, seems low but that shit would fuck me up I dont go above 200E often. If you can handle the sides and your health is in check why not? Let us know how it goes.
I'm with the others. I see no reason for big doses on a cut unless you are huge and looking to be in a near contest ready state.

300 test or so. 200 tren works good. Or mast.. ive had good luck with a light dose of test only (300 mg) but that being said I wasn't cutting below %10.

Bigger doses for bulk. Smaller for cut.
I don’t understand the “small doses for cut and bigger for bulk”

Your body composition does not depend on drug doses. It depends on food and training.

Take 200mg of tren, get in a caloric deficit, hit that cardio hard = lean the fuck out.

Take the same 200mg of tren, slam food to be in a calorie surplus, little cardio = blow the fuck up.

the diet and training dictates what the body looks/performs like, not the doses.

I think we all have that friend who wants to hit the gym hard and look aesthetic as fuck, so they do a cycle, eat like donkey shit, don’t workout, and they end up gaining 10lbs of fat and water. Looking worse than before. I know I got that friend. Always pinning 600-900mg of test a week. Doesn’t workout really at all. Eats like crap and drinks... permabulk
I don’t understand the “small doses for cut and bigger for bulk”

Your body composition does not depend on drug doses. It depends on food and training.

Take 200mg of tren, get in a caloric deficit, hit that cardio hard = lean the fuck out.

Take the same 200mg of tren, slam food to be in a calorie surplus, little cardio = blow the fuck up.

the diet and training dictates what the body looks/performs like, not the doses

Agreed that food and training are paramount and they always will be.

Lower doses for a cut..... doesn't take a ton of gear if all we are trying to do is hold onto the muscle we alrdy have.

Bigger doses for a bulk.... as ive pushed farther past any genetic limit of muscle I can hold..... more stimulus is required. We can always train harder, we can always eat better. But if what you are insisting is that bigger doses do not equate to more gains. I would have to disagree.
I don’t understand the “small doses for cut and bigger for bulk”

Your body composition does not depend on drug doses. It depends on food and training.

Take 200mg of tren, get in a caloric deficit, hit that cardio hard = lean the fuck out.

Take the same 200mg of tren, slam food to be in a calorie surplus, little cardio = blow the fuck up.

the diet and training dictates what the body looks/performs like, not the doses.

I think we all have that friend who wants to hit the gym hard and look aesthetic as fuck, so they do a cycle, eat like donkey shit, don’t workout, and they end up gaining 10lbs of fat and water. Looking worse than before. I know I got that friend. Always pinning 600-900mg of test a week. Doesn’t workout really at all. Eats like crap and drinks... permabulk
LOL, I have been 'that friend' more than once and while I gain strength, like you said I end up looking fat as fuck.
Wait, did I miss something hear? Sounds like this is your first Endeavor with Tren. Tren A would be my choice. This way if your body and or brain doesn’t agree with the compound, it’s out of your system a lot faster than the longer Esters you’ll be dealing with. Another benefit I like, is the small amount you’ll need to inject. You’ll find some good injection sites, that won’t give you the cough; which you will be paying attention to. I don’t like using long Esters BC I don’t like pushing that much oil in those particular muscles I use for Tren. So yes, I deal with it EOD:; but Shoving that needle in my glutes with a couple cc’s in it, push 2 clicks and stopping, hoping I don’t get the cough, Fuck that!
I don’t understand the “small doses for cut and bigger for bulk”

Your body composition does not depend on drug doses. It depends on food and training.

Take 200mg of tren, get in a caloric deficit, hit that cardio hard = lean the fuck out.

Take the same 200mg of tren, slam food to be in a calorie surplus, little cardio = blow the fuck up.

the diet and training dictates what the body looks/performs like, not the doses.

I think we all have that friend who wants to hit the gym hard and look aesthetic as fuck, so they do a cycle, eat like donkey shit, don’t workout, and they end up gaining 10lbs of fat and water. Looking worse than before. I know I got that friend. Always pinning 600-900mg of test a week. Doesn’t workout really at all. Eats like crap and drinks... permabulk

You are wrong there. On a cut unless you are massive you don't need a lot of AAS to keep spare the muscle while you get rid of the fat, instead on a bulking the calories and the quantity of AAS will really change how much I gain and how clean I'll grow. There is a point where you can eat even 7K a day of calories, without enough AAS to support it you will just become fast as fuck. It's not the calories at a certain point, is the quantity of drugs. So yeah the rule is: calories in / calories out on a cut it stays like that until you are very past your genetic limit and then if you wanna retain muscle and burn the fat you need more AAS then the average Joe because your body is fighting you 24H.

Bulking is the same but a bit less, the dosage will change how much you grow sooner then you think, so even if you are not past your genetic limit, with a big dosage you will grow faster but not like 20X faster, there are limits that not even massive dosage can change, you can't build muscle out of thin air in a matter of days/weeks, it takes time but sure as hell if you increase the dosage the time will be shorter, is this healthy? Is it smart? That's another story.

But foods can bring you so far away, after that it's all drugs and of course training and nutrition still need to be on point.


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