GHRP-2 + CJC-1295


When one is taking 300 mg of GHRP-2 and CJC-1295 (no DAC) per day, for fat burning / fat loss: would it be better to shoot the 300 mcg at once, for example before fasted morning Cardio?

Or would it be superior to inject it 2 x 150 mcg / 3 x 100 mcg?
When one is taking 300 mg of GHRP-2 and CJC-1295 (no DAC) per day, for fat burning / fat loss: would it be better to shoot the 300 mcg at once, for example before fasted morning Cardio?

Or would it be superior to inject it 2 x 150 mcg / 3 x 100 mcg?
I would shoot for as many pins as you can stand per day with ghrp/ghrh. I was doing 5x a day at one point.
When one is taking 300 mg of GHRP-2 and CJC-1295 (no DAC) per day, for fat burning / fat loss: would it be better to shoot the 300 mcg at once, for example before fasted morning Cardio?

Or would it be superior to inject it 2 x 150 mcg / 3 x 100 mcg?

I would shoot for as many pins as you can stand per day with ghrp/ghrh. I was doing 5x a day at one point.

Consider increasing dose (regardless of dose timing), unless it's a cost thing.

Doesn't sound like a long-term protocol so we're talking short-term gains (and no history of cancer).

If you're looking for GH-like efficacy, Idk, 2-3x those doses?

Anyone get blood tests while using these compounds?
If you're looking for GH-like efficacy, Idk, 2-3x those doses?

I totally agree here. 100x100 ghrp/ghrh isn’t going to do a ton regardless of pinning frequency. I do think for muscle gains more pins = better, but that’s just my stupid feels and could be different for others.

Anyone get blood tests while using these compounds?
IPA 300 / Grf 200 3-5x a day (and sometimes ipa 500+ / Grf 300+ at bed) put igf1 at 248 from baseline of 182.
I totally agree here. 100x100 ghrp/ghrh isn’t going to do a ton regardless of pinning frequency. I do think for muscle gains more pins = better, but that’s just my stupid feels and could be different for others.

IPA 300 / Grf 200 3-5x a day (and sometimes ipa 500+ / Grf 300+ at bed) put igf1 at 248 from baseline of 182.

We can estimate the approximate IGF-1 response to a given dose of GH.

I'd love to compile the approximate IGF-1 response per dollar from other peptides.

How much more are you paying for a certain IGF-1 response? Is the only benefit of peptides = they seem mildly less shady than GH?