Goodlyfe Test Cyp GSO Blood Results


Well-known Member
Here’s bloodwork taken yesterday on Goodlyfe’s test cyp in GSO. Was taking 300mg for 7 weeks and bumped up to 350mg 2 weeks ago. Just finished the first vial this morning actually. Results reflect the test cyp as well as 3-4iu of Goodlyfe gh and 10mg anavar. I run .25mg adex EOD as my ai.IMG_1941.jpeg
Estradiol creeping up a little but not bad man. Thanks for sharing! When was the last shot and at what MG prior to test?
Estradiol creeping up a little but not bad man. Thanks for sharing! When was the last shot and at what MG prior to test?
Ive injected 100mg/EOD for the past 2 weeks exactly and was previously injecting ~86mg/EOD for the 7 weeks prior. This test was approx 36 hours after last injection. My e2 seems to feel good at this level. I’d imagine it’s gonna creep up a little bit higher once the 350mg/week gets to steady state in another 3-4 weeks. So if anything, I’ll throw in an extra day of .25mg adex on Mondays or Tuesdays between the regular EOD dosing (so adex 4-5x per week instead of the current 3-4x per week). I’m not really TOO concerned about e2 anymore tho because I just had gyno glands removed and my blood pressure is very stable at 115-120 over 70-75 as it sits now
Sounds great! I always gain better on the higher end of e2 as well... within reason. Your Testosterone levels look priddy good for dosing and label claims.
Sounds great! I always gain better on the higher end of e2 as well... within reason. Your Testosterone levels look priddy good for dosing and label claims.
I’m a pretty good responder to test in general. Even when I was at a legit TRT dose of 91mg,(26mg/EOD) my test level was 800-900ng/dL. Overall very pleased with Goodlyfe’s stuff. Just placed another order today for when he reopens this week!