[GP Test 250] Mid cycle bloods - 500mg/w


AnabolicLab.com Supporter
This was taken during week 5, 48h after last pin.

EDIT: Test E (forgot it in title)



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@xcvcx , you can edit it again man. Don't want you to out yourself out there too much. Thanks for sharing. Appreciate the notion.

They are really strong numbers at 5wk in on a 250mg split pinning schedule.
Just started some gear from naps. Alpha test andt deca 2nd pin just as smooth as first. Also have some dbol British dispensary. Haven't started yet n to soon to see if oils are good but my bro is running sust with deca and Dbol same brand it's begining of his 3rd week and he is killing it in gym. Pumps are good and his strength is def going up. Will keep you guys posted will do mid cycle bloods around weeks 7-8. My bro prob won't due to no insurance not willing to pay out of pocket.