Greetings from a new member but long time lurker


New Member
Hello all. I have been hanging around this forum for quite awhile now, making use of the search function to find content that I am looking for, but I figured it was long overdue that I get an intro out of the way.

So I turn 33 in October of this year and just to be as direct as possible have been fat as hell for about 25ish of those years. It has only been in the last couple that I have made a serious effort to revamp my life. Until the middle portion of 2023, my focus had been entirely on the weight loss side of things. I got to what I thought was my goal weight and then had a "so now what?" moment and that is when weight training started to enter the equation and I quickly got hooked. I have really been a dabbler in PE's since that time. Tried out several compounds, always at very low doses that most people here don't seem to bother with and always making use of PCT and bloodwork checks in the process. I guess other than a more toned bod, which I sort of have now, I have lacked any sort of definitive goal. It's just been trial and error basically, so I am hoping my involvement here can change this.

As of this moment, I am only taking 250 mg a week of test-c. Over the past year I have experimented with cycles of LGD, Superdrol, M-Sten, and Mast. Most recently was a cycle of Parabolan, which lead to my largest overall gains in terms of strength and composition since I got in the game. Thankfully I did not really get some of the more nightmarish side effects with it that some people here seem to. Finding an actual tested source for Parabolan which is not just Tren-E in disguise is the tricky part I found.

So that is where I am as of this moment. I will probably go right back to doing what I do best here at Meso and that is to read the posts from all of you guys. but I figured it might be nice to jump in occasionally so I felt and intro was in order.