Gym Labs - Test C And Adex - Labcorp Blood Work


New Member
Before and after blood results. Think I was overdrawing, pinning about 150mg 2x per week (planned for 100 x 2). Adex was .25 x 2/week. Lab was done 2 days after a pin.

My E2 on lab 2 was suspicious since it came out exactly at the reference range. I called and they assured me 42.6 was my actual number and not just cutoff maxed amount. I'm still unsure if those customer reps know WTF they are saying, but I'll take them at their word.

I'm guessing the Adex was working or my E2 would be higher, considering it didn't rise much from baseline.

Sidenote, I pin sub-q into belly fat or love handles. It's painless and PIP is very minor, 2/10 gone usually in few hours.


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This seems odd to me and a couple of questions come to mind. #1 - You are pinning test c like it is insulin, really? #2 - what week was the testing done on? Results are going to very between say week 1 and week 5 on a long ester. If this testing was done on week 5, 2 days after a pin at 300mg a week i would say it is garbage.
#1 Really.
#2 I left the dates on the labs. Exactly 3 weeks between collections, meaning about 20 days into Test C. Maybe it wasn't quite to stable blood levels but it's close after 3 weeks.

And as I said, I'm aiming for 200/wk, so 300 could be an overestimate. I'm not used to these 3ml syringes, only trying to pull in 1/2 ml means more potential error.
I think the reason people take bloods at like week 5 is that it gives things times to build up in the bloodstream. By week 5 it is as good as it is going to get. Is this true by week 3? My body tells me no, but i could be wrong.
hey at least were getting some GL bloodwork done and posted here. Id def re draw in a few weeks once levels are more stable from the little that I know. I think there are alot of guys on TRT that are pinning subq though

2400+ would have been nice. I doubt they'll climb much from here. If you were closer to 100mg twice a week, then it's not bad.
My blood levels should have been 80-90% of max.

As for "feeling" the benefits, there can certainly be additional lag time. Consider PTH which will cause retention of calcium by the kidneys. Great I have more calcium, does that mean I have stronger bones already? We can imagine that additional bone density will take months to achieve.
Sub-a seems risky with the thought of oil sitting between fat layers,Why not IM deep into the muscle?
sub q is used by TRT patients. its used by peoples using many compounds and going over the 3cc in a normal syringe.. it allows you to use a slin pin, and a less amount, spread it out to places like lats, sub q belly, smaller muscle groups.. etc.. less scar tissue. I put 3 cc in my glutes like its nothing , but just relaying stuff ive read
Not interested at all in sub q with long esters and thicker oils. The guy is only pinning 2-3 ccs. It isn't like he has to make room for 8 weekly pins, just 2. I know for me that would be buttcheek#1 and buttcheek#2, done...and not shallow with a slin pin. Hell, i have had one knot up on me when i accidentally shot it shallow(pin not all the way in). I don't know why someone would do this on purpose.
I use a 25ga 1.25in needle, going about 1in sideways under the skin. Wish it was 24ga though. And yes, only .5 cc per injection so it disperses quickly. I don't see a reason to push that into my muscle.

Anyways, that is off topic. I'm just sharing labs and you can draw your own conclusions. Side benefit, looks like I won't be getting anyone pregnant with that LH and FSH :) I'm going to a Halloween swinger's party next week!
Great job getting bloodwork. That being said, the hardest thing for me to reference and associate with my own and others experience is the fact that you were trying to pin 100mg but you "think" you were overdrawing and actually pinning 150mg every pin. In addition to the fact that you got bloods drawn on week 3, it is very difficult to accurately depict if these bloods represent what this lab has to offer.

I would suggest pinning the exact amount you want to pin and make sure you get it on the dot (or VERY close to, this shouldn't be hard) and get some other bloods done in 4 weeks... See where your at. The difference between pinning a weekly amount of 200mg and 300mg per week is a lot; you are talking about a possible 150% increase in dose.
I feel my syringe doesn't account for the liquid thats in the needle. The zero mark on the syringe starts at the end of the barrel, but there is clearly additional liquid in the base of the leur lock needle. Thus .5ml could really be .6 or .7ml. Or I guess that dead space doesn't get injected either, so maybe I'm just leaving behind (wasting) that much on each injection. That's maddening when I think about it that way!

It's not worth it to spend money on yet another lab. I was worried Adex could be bunk but E2 seems fine for only .5/wk. I need to bump it to .75 or 1.0/wk. Reading around, it seems blood levels around 1600 is normal for 200mg of test c/e. The lab numbers look reasonable to me. I'm shutdown, my balls shrunk, acne is up, libido is up.

I was natty down to around 350 a few years ago. So I'm happy at 1700+. I'd rather spend my next lab to see what happens with my cholesterol.
No no man, it is so so minuscule... Do not count the amount leftover in the needle. Think about it this way. Those needles are used by doctors and nurses for injections that have to be way more accurate than our weekly testosterone dose. They pull back to the amount needed and do not add or guesstimate for the amount in the needle
So there is a .5ml draw. No way that needle can screw down farther. That looks like a ton of space! So I guess that doesn't get injected, meaning I should be close to 1ml/wk (200mg). But that space is just wasted juice. :mad: What is that, like 20% loss? I need a smaller syringe. At least we got the measurement problem figured out. pin.jpg
Haha, I can tell you are pretty OCD my friend, I am the same way. Just draw back to the amount you are trying to inject, they have accounted for the draw/reserve/whatever you call it. No extra calculations necessary :)

And BTW, on 200 per week those numbers look pretty!