Hair loss with aas


New Member
Last time i ran gear was when i used to wear my hair short. Now years later and thanks to covid ive grown my hair very long and have become quite fond if it. My question is if there is no baldness in my genes (family) with stuff like mast, primo, proviron etc do i have a chance of losing hair/hair thinning? Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Mainly depends on genetics. Some shedding or thinning is possible and normal on steroids.

Check out mpmd on yt, he has a good content on hair and aas. Some dudes roast him here sometines for no other reason that he sells supplements to kids, but that aside some of his older videos are very good where he was true to his mission.
Mainly depends on genetics. Some shedding or thinning is possible and normal on steroids.

Check out mpmd on yt, he has a good content on hair and aas. Some dudes roast him here sometines for no other reason that he sells supplements to kids, but that aside some of his older videos are very good where he was true to his mission.