Having to stop test Decca dbol early


New Member
Hey guys, I'm about 4 weeks into my second cycle, of test E (600 mg a week) Decca (450 mg a week and 40 mg of dbol. I'm having to quit my cycle early as you can tell, I have HCG and nolva on hand but was wondering how to go about my pct, bc I know my test should be ran 2 weeks longer than my Decca, should I wait 2 weeks and then start my hcg and nolva? Or hcg for the next 2 weeks and then nolva? Thanks in advanced
I can run my test a couple weeks longer if need be but I'd like to lower it to 450 oh and stats 6'2 230 lbs 14 percent bf 23 years old. First cycle was last year 600 mg test e a week and 40 mg dbol week 7-12 was on 12 weeksweeks
can i please get some help lol. ive been off of the dbol for about a week now, i had done 4 shots of the decca with test, then i decided to just drop the decca so my last shot was test only, but now i have entirley too much going on to keep up with this like i did before, im just now getting into a relationship and my blood pressure is staying through the roof, any help on how to get off and hopefully not have a sex drive shut down would be appreciated
Well i would start the hcg now at 250iu 2x per week and definantly drop the deca earlier than the test by about three weeks. After your last test e pin i would keep pinning hcg, up until you start your pct which should be 3 weeks after last test e pin.
I would also include clomid in my pct.
So per week - clo 50/25/25/25. Nolv 40/20/20/20 of course this is daily
You should be fine with this.
Good luck!!!!!