HCG a must??


New Member
okay i am new to this forum but i jave been reading many posts here for a while trying to take in as much of it as i can. My question is do i absolutly have to incorporate HCG into my cycle. I understand why it is used and its function but honestly its not something i currently have access to and i am planning on starting what will be my second cycle soon. I just joined this forum so i will update all my info shortly. thanks guys
Do you absolutely have to still have normal sized, functional testicles??
hahaha yeah that would be nice, so have you noticed a dramatic ease in post cycle recovery compared to not running hcg? Ill push back my cycle start date until i have some before i waste the gains i make trying to recover without it. thanks for the reply btw
Hey, I'm just a n00b myself... But I wouldn't fuck about with my balls.

I believe you're OK to start without hcg as you'd only need to start running that after 8 or so weeks...

But let someone with more knowledge than me guide you in that - I just wanted to set your expectations right out of the gate.

You wouldn't get a bigger engine in your car and leave some worn out old brakes on, would you?
Hey, I'm just a n00b myself... But I wouldn't fuck about with my balls.

I believe you're OK to start without hcg as you'd only need to start running that after 8 or so weeks...

But let someone with more knowledge than me guide you in that - I just wanted to set your expectations right out of the gate.

You wouldn't get a bigger engine in your car and leave some worn out old brakes on, would you?

i mean im gonna wait just for the fact of maintaining gains after my cycle. if i can maintain test production to some extent then it would be dumb not to wait. im just anxious to start this cycle and it has proven much easier for me to find test and dbol then it has to find HCG. yeah i could probably start my cycle now but i dont want to start until i have my entire arsenal
It depends on the cycle
Mild cycles won't need any hcg, just pct.

HCG is highly desiderable
but don't overuse it
250 IU 2x week is enough
use some nolva or AIs with HCG as HCG also increases natural estrogen
when the cycle stops, stop using HCG. In other words do not use HCG for pct, just during cycle.
It depends on the cycle
Mild cycles won't need any hcg, just pct.

HCG is highly desiderable
but don't overuse it
250 IU 2x week is enough
use some nolva or AIs with HCG as HCG also increases natural estrogen
when the cycle stops, stop using HCG. In other words do not use HCG for pct, just during cycle.

thanks for the reply man, yeah im going to be running 600mgs/week of test e for 12 and 50mg of dbol/day for the first 4 weeks. Ill definently hold off and wait until i find some hcg thanks again man