HCG doing godlike work


New Member
was shut down pretty badly for about 7 months post cycle from a 500mg test a week cycle for 12 weeks. my pct was shit. balls the size of raisins too.. I waited a couple months, hard to get erections and really small balls. I also ran no AI on that cycle (I know..). I waited a couple months and tried another clomid protocol for about 4 weeks and my balls got a little bigger and sex drive was the same if not worse. as soon as i quit clomid my ball size went back down to tiny. I just pinned 300iu hcg for the first time today and I won't comment on ball size but I'm pretty freaking horny and am geting some good erections. I'm 22 years old. is it normal to feel anything this early on...? I'm planning 300 iu hcg eod. anyone think the dosage should change or stay the same? thanks.
was shut down pretty badly for about 7 months post cycle from a 500mg test a week cycle for 12 weeks. my pct was shit. balls the size of raisins too.. I waited a couple months, hard to get erections and really small balls. I also ran no AI on that cycle (I know..). I waited a couple months and tried another clomid protocol for about 4 weeks and my balls got a little bigger and sex drive was the same if not worse. as soon as i quit clomid my ball size went back down to tiny. I just pinned 300iu hcg for the first time today and I won't comment on ball size but I'm pretty freaking horny and am geting some good erections. I'm 22 years old. is it normal to feel anything this early on...? I'm planning 300 iu hcg eod. anyone think the dosage should change or stay the same? thanks.

Do your homework next time

So just an update... About a week in of hcg, using .5 arimidex eod with 300iu hcg. My balls were never full they were about half way of where they were originally from when I started aas. But now my testicles feel like they've shrunk down to the size of marbles? I've read everywhere that people tend to get increase in testicle size from hcg yet there's no specific evidence that supports that it DOES increase ball size. Apparently cookie is better for that. My sense of well being is really high and I feel great.. Like I have more testosterone after being shut down for so long. Yet my testicles are shrinking.. Is this because hcg is desensitizing my balls so they're shutting down again? I've heard you have to run clomid/nolva after hcg usage. But does anyone know why my balls are shrinking on hcg?
Also, since starting hcg I've been getting morning wood. Which I haven't had in a long time. But still I'm worried about the balls even getting smaller.
So just an update... About a week in of hcg, using .5 arimidex eod with 300iu hcg. My balls were never full they were about half way of where they were originally from when I started aas. But now my testicles feel like they've shrunk down to the size of marbles? I've read everywhere that people tend to get increase in testicle size from hcg yet there's no specific evidence that supports that it DOES increase ball size. Apparently cookie is better for that. My sense of well being is really high and I feel great.. Like I have more testosterone after being shut down for so long. Yet my testicles are shrinking.. Is this because hcg is desensitizing my balls so they're shutting down again? I've heard you have to run clomid/nolva after hcg usage. But does anyone know why my balls are shrinking on hcg?

You obviously didn't read the link I posted. HCG is still suppressive as is takes place of LH. HCG should be ran on cycle, not as a pct. Drop the HCG and start on clomid or nolvadex and stop being an idiot. Good luck and stop asking questions if you can't read.
And get some damn labs for Gods sake!

Incidentally if HCG was God incarnate you played Lucifer quite nicely cycling at such a immature age of 22!