HCG dosage help


New Member
Greetings all.

I’ve been running 150mg Test E, prescribed as TRT, for the last 6 months. Defy added in HCG about 6 weeks ago for testicular atrophy and delayed ejaculation. Recommendation was to start with 1500iu weekly for a month to get going then dial back to 500iu/week. After week 2, I was doing much better in the bedroom but atrophy recovery could have been better. Dialed things back after week 4, as directed, and now at week 6, delayed ejaculation is becoming an issue again.

It seems like a no brained to dial back up to 1500iu, as it’s a pretty common recommendation for weekly dosage, but I’m curious why Defy recommended the dial back? Can anyone save me the $150 phone call fee by helping me understand both the recommendation and reassuring me that it’s ok to jump back to 1500iu?

Pre HCG bloods on 150mg Test E attached.


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I haven't heard many bad things about hcg in terms of sides, other than some people say it really can mess with their e2. I think 500-1500iu are pretty typical weekly doses for people.

I'd get e2 and prolactin checked while on it now, see if you're still in range.

Deca makes it hard for me to cum sometimes, but you don't mention taking that.

I'd just dial it in to where you feel good and your bloodwork isn't bad. Everybody is different.
No Deca. I should have mentioned that, even before starting HCG, I was taking CJC w/dac and Ipamorelin, but quit the ipamorelin due to severely increased hunger. Hunger went away when i quit ipamorelin. Have take BPC and TB-500 a few times but not consistently over long periods of time.

I’m due for bloodwork in about 2 weeks but don’t really want to wait to make a change back to 1500iu weekly of HCG. Not really worried too much about what Defy says because I quite buying meds from them due to cost and switched to UGL, which they were fine with. I do like having the professional opinion which is why I keep going for the quarterly bloods/visits with Defy.